Friday, April 22, 2022

Trump using his lackeys to jockey for 2024 positioning, while the House Minority Leader is caught on tape saying that he would ask Trump to resign and that Trump acknowledged ‘some responsibility’ for January 6

Evan Vucci/AP/Shutterstock

NEW YORK TIMES - McCarthy said Trump acknowledged ‘some responsibility’ for Jan. 6: New audio captures what Representative Kevin McCarthy said to Republicans shortly after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol

I do not believe for a second that Trump, even privately, has ever taken responsibility for his obvious, central role in inciting these yahoos to sedition. Kevin McCarthy was likely speaking out of his ass on these tapes, making up a story on the fly that he figured would placate nervous Republicans in the immediate wake of the Capitol Hill riot. God help us if this inept, two-faced slimebag becomes Speaker of the House. McCarthy, in the heat of the moment, may or may not have asked Trump to resign, but there was little point to that as only days remained in Trump’s term. Since then, however, Kevin McCarthy and the majority of House GOP have done nothing but obstruct any efforts to hold Trump and his various cronies and sycophants accountable, while the party becomes more overtly Fascist in their policy and rhetoric. Excerpt -

Representative Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican leader, told G.O.P. lawmakers in the days after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that former President Donald J. Trump acknowledged that he bore “some responsibility” for what happened that day, new audio revealed.

The audio obtained by The New York Times that emerged on Friday is part of a series of new revelations about Republican leaders’ private condemnations of Mr. Trump in the days after his supporters stormed the Capitol as part of an effort to stop the certification of electoral votes for Joseph R. Biden Jr.

“Let me be very clear to all of you, and I have been very clear to the president: he bears responsibilities for his words and actions,” Mr. McCarthy said on the call, which took place on Jan. 11. “No if, ands or buts.”

“I asked him personally today, does he hold responsibility for what happened?” Mr. McCarthy said. “Does he feel bad about what happened? He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened and he’d need to acknowledge that.”

Mr. McCarthy’s assertion is at odds with the former president’s refusal, then and now, to accept responsibility for the deadly attack. It illustrates the vast gulf between the private, derisive tone Republican leaders use about the former president and their public flattery of the de facto leader of their party.

Mr. Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Mr. McCarthy was asked in a news conference earlier this year about the call with House Republicans after the attack. He sidestepped the question: “I’m not sure what call you’re talking about.”

The New York Times on Thursday reported that Mr. McCarthy told Republicans he planned to urge Mr. Trump to resign. The reporting is based on the upcoming book “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America’s Future.”

Mr. McCarthy disputed that reporting, but in an audio clip obtained by The Times of a different phone call with Republican lawmakers, Mr. McCarthy said he would tell Mr. Trump of the impeachment resolution: “I think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation you should resign.” (Read more)

Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Jenna Ellis speaks out against DeSantis’ war on Mickey Mouse, offers to defend Disney in court - When even a shameless grifter, and certified cultist thinks you’ve gone too far and there is no benefit to be had, that says something. Likely, it says she is a Trump loyalist, and perhaps Trump is realizing this culture war nonsense may ultimately backfire badly on the GOP. More to the point, he is seeking to neuter any internal opposition prior to 2024, and DeSantis has been making a lot of noise of late. These Republicans are going so far off the deep end that Trump may appear as a relatively reasonable alternative to those on the fence in two years. Which may be how he is going to position himself between now and then, seeing as this is not a sane society and he is not going to prison as he would be if this were a sane place. (Newsweek 4/22)

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