Saturday, April 9, 2022

Setting the record straight on Trump’s involvement in and crusade against Ukraine, and ode of sorts to Poland, and the importance of having pencil and paper on hand at all times

Alexei Alexandrov/AP

Just a quick update this Saturday afternoon. I’m tired …

Zelenskyy demands strong global response to Kramatorsk train station bombing (AP 4/09)

The truth about Trump and Ukraine - An absolute must-read, been meaning to post this for days now. Our former president has blood on his hands, re: Ukraine. (Seth Abramson 3/30)

Hats off to Poland: Poland, indeed, has been exceptional in its openness to its neighbors. There are, however, some very real concerns about their government and its commitment to democracy. I trust those issues will be worked out, and Poland is going to emerge as a global leader.

At least 16 killed in Burkina Faso army base attack by jihadists following January military coup (Reuters 4/08)

Unsolicited life advice: While writing blog articles and posting on social media, or even just in one’s everyday activities, having a pencil and notepad or notebook on hand is essential. Writing things down, by hand, improves our memories and keeps us (at least, relatively) sharp. I got away from this habit for a long time, and now I am correcting course. Truly, I have little other choice, given how scatterbrained my alcohol-addled, battle-scarred ass is.

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