Monday, April 4, 2022

Ode to Ukraine: Emerging global power and guiding light among nations

(VIDEO) The daily nationwide moment of silence, followed by the glorious national anthem of Ukraine - A magnificent piece of music, accompanied by English subtitles and stunning war footage. Some may call it propaganda, some may call it nationalism, but I only see necessary patriotism in a war that was not of their choosing. They are rolling up their sleeves and fighting back, as their forefathers did against the Nazi invaders in World War II. At that time, however, they were a vassal state of the Soviet Union. Now it is their time in history to achieve glory as a strong, independent nation. America’s day has just about passed - we’re one presidential election away from the death knell - and Russia’s time is long up. Both will only grow more dangerous, but never again will they be prosperous or respected the more they descend into darkness. #Murica is ultimately going to end up like the Middle East, full of warring tribes, religious extremism, and great poverty and ignorance. It is already playing out, we’re becoming a breeding ground for terrorism just as the lands that produced al Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS, and the rest of that scum.

But Ukraine is going to win their war. In time they are going to emerge as a great global power; a vital partner in the world’s last bastion of humanity in Europe - the one continent that, apart from a few rogue or not entirely cooperative players, has demonstrated it has learned its lessons about the horrors of war and tyranny. Beginning with Germany, of course. And along with Germany, France, the EU, and the UK, Ukraine will be a vital bulwark against the emerging Axis of Evil of India and China. Who will be joined by the fallen empires of Russia and (post-2024) America - both nonetheless remaining rich in natural resources and therefore to be (further) exploited and controlled by evil overlords in Beijing and Delhi. Of course, China and India have to make peace with one another before this plays out, but my gut says that process is already underway, with Putin playing the key role in mediating between them. Mutual animosity and distrust toward the West, as well as territorial aims such as retaking former Soviet states and reclaiming Taiwan, are driving these superpowers together. Pakistan may factor into this one way or the other; India will always be their blood rival, but it’s hard to see them making common cause with Europe. 

Plucking America from the Western alliance, after we had always been the center and strongest power of it, would be the new Axis’ coup de grace. American nationalist populists are gradually moving away from championing alliances with other Western nations and toward favoring closer relations with Russia. But that’s #Murica: Ukraine is now the crossroads between the free world and the despotic backwaters, and they are the first line of defense between ‘us’ and ‘them.’ LORD, protect and uplift them, and bring the tyrant, Putin, to his knees. #StopPutin #StandWithUkraine Слава Україні

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