Sunday, April 17, 2022

Zelenskyy, CIA Director warn the world that Putin will use nukes, while Russia has plunged most of the world into recessionary conditions, and a COVID-inspired kidnapping plot is foiled in Germany

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Happy Easter to one and all. He is Risen!

CIA Director William Burns: U.S. cannot afford to take Russian nuclear threat lightly (Reuters 4/14)

President Zelenskyy warns Ukraine and the world must be prepared for Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons - Yes, nothing can be put past Putin. And if Putin does resort to such desperate and sickening tactics, then NATO is going to have to respond. At which time, Mother Russia becomes a war zone. Perhaps Putin’s ultimate goal is the destruction of all humanity, for he appears intent on achieving it. (CNN 4/15)

The IMF lowers its economic forecast for 143 countries as a direct result of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine - Putin is not only destroying Ukraine and has not only sealed his own country’s fate, he is wrecking the global economy. Obvious to anybody paying attention, except to the Russians, of course. And in #Murica, where anything that goes wrong is President Biden’s fault and, “golly gee, that Putin fella’ is a genius, just like Trump told us.” (The National 4/15)

Trump endorses nationalist populist J.D. Vance in Ohio GOP U.S. Senate primary race (CBS News 4/15)

Jens Schlueter/AFP/Getty Images

German coronavirus protesters accused of plot to kidnap the health minister - The entire world really must be going crazy. Even in what is, today, the sanest country on earth, we still have echoes of their Nazi past and - albeit, to a lesser extent, for now - #Murica’s current reality. Only in Deutschland, I do not believe the courts will be foolish enough to acquit these individuals, as a Michigan court recently did in the case of two men charged with plotting to kidnap the governor. (Washington Post 4/14)

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