Friday, April 8, 2022

Russian strike kills women and children at crowded train station in Kramatorsk, thoughts on the confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson, and a fine example of how conspiracist thinking has spread beyond politics and into every aspect of our lives

Letting any and all Russian/pro-Russian propagandists know that most of the world sees through Russia’s lies, and - the nationalist populists who have taken control of America’s Republican Party aside - few are buying the contention that it is the Ukrainians who are the Nazis and aggressors. Rarely in human history - the scapegoating of Jews being the notable exceptions - has there ever been a more shameless and hateful example of one group of people projecting their issues onto another. Given the atrocities they are committing against the Ukrainian people, and given how strongly they hold to this idea of ‘us against the world,’ I do not believe there will ever be any reasoning with Vladimir Putin and the Russian nation. This is not even the Russia of Soviet times, when a degree of logic and a healthy fear of mutually assured destruction tempered their barbarism and aggression. Russia has reverted to a more primitive state, and they are only going to be subdued by force  #StopPutin #StopRussianAggression #StandWithUkraine Слава Україні

Fadel Senna/AFP/Getty Images

Killing children, ‘for the children.’ Russian air strike hits crowded train station in eastern Ukraine, killing at least 50 civilians and injuring hundreds more - My blood is boiling. Excerpt: ‘A missile hit a train station where thousands of people had flocked to flee in eastern Ukraine, killing 50 people Friday, Ukrainian authorities said, while warning they expect to find more evidence of war crimes in areas abandoned by Russian troops. Photos from the scene showed bodies covered with tarps on the ground and the remnants of a rocket with the words “For the children” painted on it in Russian. About 4,000 civilians were in and around the station, the office of Ukraine’s prosecutor-general said, adding that most were women and children heeding calls to leave the area before Russia launches a full-scale offensive in the country’s east. The Russian Defense Ministry denied attacking the station in Kramatorsk, a city in Ukraine’s contested Donbas region, but President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other Ukrainian leaders accused Russia’s military of deliberately targeting a location where only civilians were assembled.’ (AP 4/08) 

Kevin Lamarque/AP

Ketanji Brown Jackson is confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Supreme Court Justice - First black woman to sit on the high court. To the extent yours truly paid any attention to her confirmation hearings - virtually not at all - the Republicans made colossal fools of themselves (just another day for them), but also delivered all the crazy the base demands. The belligerence, racism, and showboating is not hurting them with public opinion; the general public is severely divided, and the portion of people the GOP needs to win elections actively demand their representatives engage in performative bulls**t, and ‘protect’ them from the rest of us and the rest of the world - especially people who look like Ketanji Brown Jackson. Congratulations to Justice Jackson, but her life just got a hell of a lot more complicated. (CBS News 4/07)

Leader of a Proud Boys chapter and January 6 insurrectionist pleads guilty, will testify against his former co-seditionists - Could prove to provide valuable testimony, but nothing less than ten years in prison and lifetime disenfranchisement will be suitable. (Washington Post 4/08)

Sharing the above tweet to make a point. Here we have the owner of a professional wrestling organization – bear with me - declaring that because there are fans online who don’t like the goofy product he puts out, there must be an organized conspiracy by his (larger, established) primary competition. The point I’m making is not about professional wrestling or predatory business practices (which Khan’s competition has certainly been guilty of at times in their history), but the mindset that has spread beyond politics and into every aspect of our lives. We have as good of an example of this as any right here. Most everybody’s brains are conspiracy-addled today: Anything bad that happens, or anything they don’t just like, it must all be because some shady figures in the shadows are pulling the puppet strings in order to oppress and control others. This mindset always blinds individuals to the words and actions of true oppressors, such as Vladimir Putin, and said mindset is the result of conditioning from actual tyrants. Exactly why the likes of Putin, Donald Trump, and every populist dictator in modern history have been so devoted to defining the narrative, and so quick to tell their subjects that the other side is out to get them, and only he can provide protection. And people eat this s**t up with a silver spoon. Sickening. It is really quite sad and juvenile, but this is what Trumpism has done to #Murica. It has made us all paranoid, hateful, and unable to differentiate between reality and delusion. It will take generations for society as a whole to disavow itself of this conspiracy-addled mindset, but then we probably don’t have that much time left before mankind’s collective suicide.

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