Thursday, September 23, 2021

ICU beds in Central Massachusetts completely full, nurses’ strike a major factor

Do these belligerents not understand they are collapsing our health care system? And if they do, do they care? I’m extremely worried for the future of this ridiculous country. Via WCVB

WORCESTER, Mass. — The largest hospital system in central Massachusetts ran out of intensive care beds for some time Wednesday. 

Officials at UMass Memorial Health said they are overwhelmed with critically ill patients, many of whom are battling COVID-19. 

Some patients are being cared for in Emergency Rooms while waiting for ICU beds to open up. 

A decrease in ICU beds at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester because of a nurses strike is also a factor in the current crisis. Thursday marks the 200th day of the strike. 

In a letter obtained by the Telegram, St. Vincent doctors urged nurses to return to work, citing long wait times and many COVID-19 patients. 

The union responded saying the doctors should appeal to the hospital's CEO for a deal.

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1 comment:

  1. BTW, if this comes across as an indictment against nurses, it is not, but instead an indictment against the unvaxxed. TY.
