Monday, August 30, 2021

American withdrawal from Afghanistan is complete. They're on their own, and they can rot


Not our problem anymore. All of you who haven’t paid attention to Afghanistan for years but are now suddenly so concerned about the humanitarian situation there, and are so angry at President Biden for doing what everybody wanted him to do, go f**k yourselves! For real. That very much goes for the corporate, pro-war mainstream media, who continue to inundate us with one sob story after another and simply will not let it go. The nationalist populist right, merely seizing on an opportunity to denigrate President Biden, need to practice what they preach and really put ‘America first’ now. Terrible things are happening to people in terrible places all over the world, including in our own country. America is a dysfunctional basket case of a nation and we’re not even capable of taking care of ourselves, yet alone solving the world’s problems.

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