Sunday, January 26, 2025

Headline from Politico—and I shan’t even dignify it with a link: Musk tells Germans to get over ‘past guilt.’

What the living f**k!? My predominant heritage from England—which is to say, an Anglo-Saxon and Celtic mutt, the former being Germanic in origin and also long-dominant in the UK, and the latter absorbing at least traces of Germanic influence over the centuries—alongside my notable and relatively recent ancestral ties to Germany and Denmark via grand-grandparents (and a grandmother from Ireland on my maternal side, but that and some Scottish lineage just mixes in within my inherent Celtic influence via England. My majority blood and my soul are Anglo-Saxon, and I most identify with England and Germany). So, that long-winded introduction aside, I am unquestionably well-positioned to comment as someone of predominantly Germanic descent. Our people, as a collective, committed an unforgivable atrocity against humanity during the 1930s and 1940s, an offence so grievous that it cannot and should not be forgotten.

In the broader expanse of history, those decades were but moments ago—mere blinks in the eye of time. “Get over ‘past guilt’”? We’ve scarcely even begun to atone for the immeasurable wrongs inflicted upon the Jewish people. That was no ordinary crime; it was an act of calculated, incomprehensible hatred—one that demands a reckoning far beyond what has yet been achieved.

You, sir, who dismiss this history with such cavalier arrogance, demonstrate an unforgivable ignorance of the weight of these events. The world has long been teetering on the brink of chaos, but now the descent appears inexorable. World War III looms perilously close, and yet such callousness persists. It is utterly maddening, to put it mildly. - Arthur Newhook, 27 January 2025

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Friday, January 24, 2025

Speaking directly to Trump-worshipping ‘Christians’ here, though I know I am rather shouting into the void

photo: Apu Gomes/Getty Images

A quote from a friend on Facebook regarding your kind: “Their credibility to even discuss the gospel now falls on deaf ears.” Trump and his handlers—most notably the now-reigning cybernetic puppet master, Elon Musk—are using you Christofascists to destroy Christianity and what was once known as ‘conservatism’ from within. Your witness, such as it is, is worse than worthless: it is an abomination. 

I am hardly a good or pious Christian, though I do profess Christ as saviour; if I lived in the country of my blood, England, I would be more likely to be found at the local pub than Sunday service (alas, I live in #Murica, where we have neither proper pubs, nor much of anyone worth speaking to, so I am found in neither setting). To the point, if God has granted both me and millions of others who do not wear our faith on our sleeve the discernment to see through this charade, then it tells me that thou art falling for a deadly deception: The Great Deception! 

Furthermore, while it still sounds fantastical, I do not entirely dismiss the possibility that Elon Musk may be the Biblical Antichrist. Given the strangeness of this man and the bizarre present circumstances, we cannot completely rule it out. At the very least, he is consciously presenting himself as a would-be Antichrist, and he is sowing near-apocalyptic chaos and destruction. 

American Christianity was thoroughly corrupted long before Donald Trump and Elon Musk entered politics, but now I consider that it may be inexorably heading for the ash heap of history, doing what the Romans never could—destroying itself from within. And for what? The privilege of hating your neighbour with official sanction? It is long past time for you rank-and-file Trump supporters and professed Christians to get all of this through thy thick skulls; and I suspect at least some of you recognise this obvious truth, but go along precisely because you are granted said sanction. Hatred is thy true God, Christianity is just an effective cover and a weapon to be wielded against your designated enemies. 

If this describes you, then congratulations, you are everything that is wrong with this country and our world. The flip side of the same coin as the Islamists who blew up the Twin Towers and have caused so much suffering across the planet for decades. Same circus, different clowns, and every bit as unfunny and deranged. - Arthur Newhook, 24 January 2025

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Off with his head: the preeminent responsibility of Alex Jones in forging the present, fascistic state of affairs in what were once the United States of America

photo: Mike Segar/Reuters

The springing up of our present societal rot in the former United States can be traced to the 2000s, wherein the figure of Alex Jones emerged as a pivotal architect of mass delusion. Through personal introspection, I must confess a season of susceptibility to his rhetorical wiles, specially from 2006 through approximately 2010. His discourse did ever boil down to reductionist notions positing that the government is out to poison your bloody cornflakes, and all of our leaders are Satan worshipping child molesters holding Black Mass in every town hall basement from coast-to-coast.

The subsequent vicennial period witnessed the spread of such intellectual toxicity throughout the American consciousness, ensnaring not merely those predisposed to violent proclivities and superstitious predilections, but furthermore corrupting previously rational actors within the societal framework. We may now see why we live in a post-truth age, and we deny not the truth that the majority of the American people are primal and wicked in their ways. 

Resolving this societal schism shall require catastrophic bloodletting and the ultimate dissolution of the current political system. The sole worthy idea ever to come from the execrable Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene is her proposition regarding ‘national divorce’—allowing the bifurcation of the republic into separate sociopolitical entities. One such entity, likely to predominantly encompass the South and Midwest, shall pursue its backward and deranged vision, whilst the other shall preserve higher learning, clean water, first-world medical facilities, and other hallmarks of actual civilisation.

As for the aforementioned Jones, it is no hyperbole when I say he ought to be swinging from the gallows for having poisoned the collective well as he has. Few have wrought more harm upon this former constitutional republic in all its history, and I would not care to be in his place on the day of judgment for all the riches in the world. I’d rather face the Spanish Inquisition with a hangover. - Arthur Newhook, 24 January 2025.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Muscovites' nascent comprehension of Trump’s perfidious nature portends grave ramifications all around

photo: Andrew Harnik/Getty

“(A)cting like a hooligan that hasn’t gotten a beating in a long time.” Russian state television pundits have expressed their dismay—to put it mildly—over Trump’s threats of tariffs and further sanctions should Putin fail to withdraw from Ukraine promptly. While I endorse the imposition of stringent economic measures against them, the Russians are having to come to terms with the fact that Trump is loyal to neither man nor cause, and will turn on anyone at the slightest provocation. The Russians, as any scholar of history would recognise, truly detest being made to appear foolish, and will not hesitate to exact violent retribution upon those who dare to humiliate them. Nazi Germany found this out, in an exceedingly brutal and inhumane manner. 

Trump’s supporters among the American public are focused on domestic matters and are willing to tolerate any action he takes, provided it results in the suffering of fellow Americans. However, the Russians will not be so accommodating of such duplicitous behaviour, and this will likely exacerbate the pain and hardship inflicted upon the Ukrainian people—though, of course, this is of no consequence to Trump, whose sole aim is self-aggrandisement as ever. I repeat, the people of #Murica have no bloody clue what they have wrought by returning this s**tbag to power; and they shall steadfastly refuse to ever acknowledge, even when the nukes start flying, so blinded are they by their unbridled malevolence against their countrymen and their inherent lack of intelligence and character. To the bitter end, they will scapegoat fellow Americans, immigrants, and global Jewry before they ever admit their colossal errors. - Arthur Newhook, 23 January 2025

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Doomsday Eve: paying a lamentable tribute to President Joe Biden

I had hoped that President Biden might make a bold, decisive move in his final hours in office, but such an action does not appear forthcoming—at least not as far as I can discern, though I admit to being in something of a stupor on this lamentable day. To the utterly fatuous Democrats so enamoured with Kamala that you gleefully led the entire nation off a cliff, and to the bloody #MAGA fanatics, heed this: I shall never be persuaded that President Biden would have lost the 2024 election. At the very least, Pennsylvania would not have slipped from his grasp. No number of armies nor a million wild horses could force me to believe otherwise.

I am convinced that the media, the Democratic Party, and assorted malcontents convinced themselves he was unelectable and, in so doing, created a self-fulfilling prophecy by denying him the opportunity to prove otherwise. While I deeply regret that Mr Biden permitted this to transpire, he is, after all, a very old and weary man who likely longs for rest.

Thank you, Joe Biden, for your service to a nation both ungrateful and undeserving. And may those who discard you today soon find themselves wishing you back—and they undoubtedly shall.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Saturday, January 18, 2025

An ‘impressed’ Bill Gates recently dined with Donald Trump—imagine the cognitive dissonance this must provoke among the millions of deluded antisemites and assorted conspiracists who regard Gates as the devil and Trump as their saviour

Photo via Sky News

{The Hill 17 January} Bill Gates on Trump meeting: ‘Frankly I was impressed’

Bill Gates discloses that he dined with Trump recently and emerged from the encounter ‘impressed’—a revelation that ought to leave any swivel-eyed conspiracy loon clutching their pearls in utter disarray. Verily, something frightfully peculiar and sinister is materialising amongst the plutocratic elite, as they increasingly align themselves with the #MAGA circus. What will follow in this parade of absurdities? George Soros showing up with a Trump rosette? 

Perchance, these billionaire magnates and their broods have been threatened—no doubt, a tactic the new regime is employing against the mere millionaires and assorted public figures, and shall more overtly be applied against the general public in short order. Yea, thou—the common herd of #Murica, many of whom didst cast thy lot with this madness—are next for the treatment. 

Yet, the uppermost echelon of wealth—the proper top-drawer of Elon, Gates, Bezos, and so forth—likely face no physical peril. Rather, they have now discerned that Trump is a remarkably easy mark, as malleable as theatrical putty in their skilled and cunning hands. President Biden has warned us, take heed. - Arthur Newhook, 18 January 2025.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Further reflections on President Biden’s valedictory admonition to a nation both ungrateful and woefully benighted regarding the perils of oligarchical dominance

Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters

{Sky News 16 January} Biden warns of an ‘oligarchy’ of wealth and power threatening US democracy

If one has previously dismissed the statements of President Joe Biden, it would now be most prudent to lend thine ears with grave attention. Verily, it strains belief that the millions of cult followers of Donald Trump remain steadfast while Elon Musk, with his coffers of gold, increasingly asserts his dominion over their #MAGA realm. Trump has been reduced to a supporting role in his own circus, yet few of his acolytes have reconciled themselves to this reality, and many simply never shall—their unparalleled capacity for self-delusion having long been proven the stuff of legend. 

It is all, quite frankly, implausible. Begrudgingly to their credit, a small minority of the cult are displaying a glimmer of sense by openly opposing Musk’s usurpation (notably Steve Bannon and Laura Loomer), while others desperately cling to a façade of unity and feigned enthusiasm—a masquerade most transparent. The majority of the Trump lemmings, however, maintain a telling silence on Lord Elon, their muteness betraying an unspoken unease.

President Biden’s words stand as a stark warning—not merely to Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg but also to the common folk of #Murica. Without naming names, Mr Biden cautioned that the American people’s cherished golden idol is powerless to stop the oligarchic takeover and the systematic erosion of their constitutional republic by a tiny elite. 

If the glaring truth of Trump’s complicity in all of this from the outset has not yet dawned upon his adoring masses, it likely never will. There does remains a faint possibility that they might be persuaded when confronted with the reality of who truly wields control—though whether they can be reached in this manner is, at best, uncertain. Plutocrats view humanity as expendable resources, to be exploited and discarded at will. A nation of sycophants grants them this licence through blind, unquestioning devotion to a bargain-basement demagogue, but the time to ask hard questions is long overdue.

#Murica, you unholy rabble: you remain either perilously unaware or actively complicit of the dire consequences of reinstating Trump—who, lest we forget, has long been under the influence of Vladimir Putin, one who is now in full-fledged partnership with Lord Elon. President Biden hath offered wisdom to those with wit to comprehend. Mark these words: many who scorn Joe Biden today shall one day lament their folly.

Gratitude is owed to President Biden for delivering what may prove to be the most momentous presidential declaration since President Ronald Reagan’s iconic Berlin Wall address. The burden now rests upon the ever-shrinking segment of the American public who still possess wisdom, common sense, and humanity to recognise the stakes and sound the alarm. As for the vast multitude, I place zero faith in them to act with wisdom. The now-former United States of America is in full-on suicide mode, and the odds are greatly stacked against those not abroad what used to be the ‘Trump Train’, but is now more like the Elon Express to Hades. - Arthur Newhook, 16 January 2025.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Biden warns of oligarchy as the US declines. Like Ike's military-industrial complex warning, it shall be ignored. America's last decent chance is gone


{AP 15 January} Biden warns in farewell address that an ‘oligarchy’ of ultrarich in US threatens future of democracy

President Biden’s valedictory address, with its cautionary warning of oligarchical encroachment, merits comparison with President Eisenhower’s prescient ‘military industrial complex’ omen in his departing speech in 1961. Just as with Ike, this admonition shall also fall on mostly deaf ears.

In my 47 years, I have observed the United States’ transformation from the globe’s preeminent bastion of prosperity and liberty—albeit one not unburdened by rather serious contemporary issues or by its historical transgression, yet always moving in the right directions—to a nation in inexorable decline. One characterised by growing impoverishment, frightful violence, intellectual regression, social retrogression, and authoritarian tendencies. In layman’s terms, the American lot have gone quite mad.

Poor old Mr Biden, I submit, tried his best to stop the rot, but there is no turning back. Beginning on 11 September 2001 and with each passing day since—accelerating greatly with the onset of COVID-19 in 2020—the nation has embarked upon an unrelenting descent into Third World status, a hell on earth. President Joe Biden was America’s last chance at salvaging anything decent. I am not ascribing infallibility to the man, for he has made mistakes (most notably acquiescing to his backstabbing VP and party, and then having to watch his usurpers fall flat on their faces in the general election). No matter, he remains a man of integrity and competence who served admirably despite having to contend with a proudly ignorant, hate-filled, superstition-filled, self-entitled, morally degenerate electorate.

Let these knaves stew in their own broth, as they so richly deserve! Thank you, President Joe Biden—along with Jimmy Carter (who departed office when I was but a toddler) the most noble and upstanding US President of my days. - Arthur Newhook, 15 January 2025

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

US Supreme Court appears keen to restrict online porn. Foolish theocratic crusaders dominate, and civilisation's future is grim

{Vox 15 January} The Supreme Court seems eager to curb First Amendment protections for porn

To one degree or another, the individual jurists on the theocratic US Supreme Court appear keen to restrict adults’ access to online pornography—a right mess brought about by tiresome moral busybodies on the left pushing their social agenda rather too vigorously, which has rather predictably catalysed a reactionary movement culminating in millions embracing the sort of far right, antisemitic rot that those of my age rather naively thought had been permanently vanquished with the defeat of Nazi Germany.

Now, the moral crusaders of the right—who vastly outnumber their ‘progressive’ counterparts, are dreadfully well-embedded in the local/state governments and among military and law enforcement, and whose capacity for armed force is demonstrably superior—are pursuing an absolutist agenda. All vestiges of measured discourse and temperance appear irretrievably forfeit for at least the next quarter-century. The mechanism by which future generations might recover these essential qualities—to put this particular Humpty Dumpty back together again— is a total mystery to me. My gut says future generations will dwell in caves like savages, having quite forgotten how to work a can opener, let alone possessing the knowledge and wherewithall to rebuild anything resembling civilisation. - Arthur Newhook, 15 January 2025.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

A flagrantly kitsch novelty act from the 1970s has become the centre of controversy following their decision to perform in Washington, D.C., at the Trump inauguration

{The Mirror 14 January} Village People respond to anger over Trump's inauguration performance

An utterly ghastly 1970s musical novelty act has been enlisted to perform at the tangerine puppet’s spurious inauguration, promising to 'bring the country together.' What absurdity is this? Were the #Murican citizenry not such nostalgia-obsessed simpletons with execrable taste, the Village People—a group comprised, quite literally, of cosplayers—would have been consigned to the dustbin of history by 1982, never to assault mortal ears again.

Lest I seem unfair, I say this as one who operates a venture dedicated to historical reminiscence, albeit one that prioritises cultural artefacts of genuine merit and good taste. Yet here we are in 2025: a country so bereft of meaningful contemporary culture, so disdainful of intellect and value, that it endlessly recycles every dreadful trend of yesteryear. And now, the Village People—of all the ridiculous choices—are cast as ambassadors of national unity.

Unity, however, is patently impossible in this fractured age and unlikely to manifest within our lifetimes. So what preposterous notion is this, anyway? Moreover, why do the ‘Manosphere’ acolytes not question why their orange-hued messiah is so enamoured with a group so closely associated with the homosexual community? (Indeed, his campaign has used Y.M.C.A. as a rallying anthem since this frightful circus began in 2015.)

To cite another regrettable cultural relic of the 1970s, these United States have ‘jumped the shark’ repeatedly in this Trumpian era of decline and ens**ttification. When, if ever, will this descent into complete farce reach its end? Is there no bottom to this spiral? Apart from baseball, Friday night lights, and a handful of lingering noble pastimes, the only aspects of American life worth celebrating are now dead and buried. #Murica—my pet name for this grotesque parody of the country I grew up in—is an abomination of cringe-worthy proportions.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Sunday, January 12, 2025

America's final week of democracy: as GOP and Musk prepare fascist takeover, a lament for missed chances to prevent this dark fate

Well, this is it then—the final week of what is left of the United States. About to trade what passes for democracy these days for some proper fascist nonsense. Last gasp of the Democrats holding any sway in Washington, I expect. Won’t see them back in power in my lifetime.

Prepare thyselves for grave overreach by the incoming regime and its Republican confederates in Congress and state legislatures; the GOP shall run absolutely bloody riot in the coming months. Steel thy hearts for widespread calamity: civil unrest, food shortages, economic collapse; on top of ever-worsening and more frequent natural disasters. Anticipate that the unelected dictator, Elon Musk, along with his figurehead president—believed by the witless masses of this wilfully ignorant land to wield true authority—to deepen every crisis, without fail; as Trump did in the chaos of his first disastrous reign, and as this unholy pair hath done again and again, leading up to their accursed coronation.

The final week, indeed. If only justice had held firm, and this felon, Trump, had been cast into chains. If only regulators had interceded to thwart Elon Musk from spending $44 billion on Twitter. If only a Vice-President had prioritised the welfare of the nation above self-serving ambition, had not betrayed the President, and had refrained from embarking on a farcical and hopeless campaign in a land that reviles those who share her visage and believe her to be a Marxist. If only the Pollyannas among us had not ensnared us with false hope and led us astray. If only President Biden were not so long in the tooth and still possessed the vigour to fight.

We had a good run, I suppose. - Arthur Newhook, 12 January 2025.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

TV ads mirror America's growing anti-intellectualism—a society that scorns reason and celebrates ignorance, ripe for charlatans

Bloody hell, these accursed TV ads are one day going to drive me away from watching most any sports, or anything else on television, period. Mind you, it says all that needs to be known about the state of things: advertisers know full well their craft—holding up a mirror to society and then forcing it down our gullets. And what a pitiful, foolish, and infantile reflection it is. 

Look at the state of us. Take a look around and see what doth stir folk to excitement these days. Absolute rubbish! Anything requiring half a brain cell, and the masses of #Murica turn away, unbothered and unmoved. To varying degrees, Americans have ever harboured disdain for intellectualism, yet never in my years—nay, perchance never in the annals of US history—hath this contempt burned so fiercely as in the past decade of Donald Trump being the central character in this Shakespearean tragedy. A nation of wilful ignorance and base spite, bereft of logic, reason, intelligence, empathy, or honour, shall ever prove easy prey for charlatans and scoundrels. It is futile to ask when this lamentable state of affairs will come to an end, for should anyone attempt to bring it to a close, the American people will fight tooth and nail to preserve that which they hold most dear—ignorance and unearned pride. Hence, why Donald Trump is about to be (figurehead) president once more.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Boris Johnson slams Vladimir Putin's imperial dreams, while the right-wing in US betrays Ukraine and kisses Putin’s ring


{Sky News 12 January} Boris Johnson brands Vladimir Putin a 'f****** idiot' over alleged imperial ambitions

Boris Johnson colorfully denounces Putin as a dullard of the highest order for his vainglorious dreams of imperial restoration - Beyond Ukraine itself and the sphere of Russian dissidents, none stands more steadfast in support of Ukraine than Boris Johnson. Though his character may bear other blemishes, his resolve on this matter is unassailable. 

Yet mark ye well: Putin is no mere fool—nay, a cunning serpent, more like. Methinks what Boris is getting at is that Putin’s lofty ambitions, akin to castles raised upon shifting sands, must surely crumble. While the tyrant may sow death and misery without end, victory shall forever elude his grasp.

Even in the wake of the bloody and shameful betrayal by the American people, and with the incoming regime in Washington poised to drastically alter the course of US policy, yet shall the brave souls of Ukraine stand firm. They shall fight, tooth and nail, to prevent the resurrection of the Soviet Union—a grim and dark chapter of history that must never again be inscribed. 

To put it mildly, it is quite rich that those who now all themselves ‘conservatives’ in the US, who once held opposition to the Soviet menace as sacred as Holy Writ, are now hell-bent on lending their aid to Master Putin in his designs to resurrect the very spectre they and their forebears spent decades striking to vanquish. 

Do not presume to tell me, #MAGA zealots, that ‘Russiagate’ was a mere hoax. No, it is both real and ongoing. The stain of blood is upon thy hands, and all thy protestations shall not wash them clean.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Friday, January 10, 2025

Trump escapes with not so much as a token reprimand in the sentencing for the ‘hush money’ trial


BBC 10 JanuaryTrump avoids prison or fine in hush-money case sentencing

Unconditional discharge'. Quite the most preposterous verdict in the annals of this mad realm. Trump is sentenced merely to bear the ignoble brand of 'convicted felon' for life, and nothing more. No proper punishment for the scoundrel—not even a paltry fine! Perhaps a weekend in the clink to enforce a semblance of humility? Nay, not even so much as that. Our 'justice' system has descended into an outright farce. Justice Juan Merchan's courage failed him and he could not summon the resolve to impose even the slightest penalty. How he can bear to face his own reflection after levying such a spineless and laughable ruling, I truly cannot fathom. Verily, it defies all reason, but so does most everything else happening around us in #Murica.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

A plea directed at the overlords of social media to abolish the 'laugh' emoji, alongside an exhortation for adults to cease using emojis entirely—indeed, to abandon behaviour reminiscent of schoolyard bullies in its entirety

Allow me to say this to one and all: if I had my way, every one of the social media platforms—starting with blasted Facebook—would chuck out that damned 'laugh' emoji. It is nothing but a tool for sneering at people, tearing them down, and stripping away their humanity. And do not consider for a second that Zuckerberg, Elon, and the rest of that wretched lot know not what they are doing. Of course they know—they’re the masters of pandemonium, the very architects of destruction.

Social media users? Do not get me started. Most of them are lemmings, gleefully marching to their doom, following these tech overlords straight into the flaming pit. This lunacy must cease forthwith, before we have got rivers of blood in the streets—mark my words, that is precisely where we are headed if this carries on.

Another thing—are you not supposed to be grown adults? Bloody adults! So, for heaven's sake, STOP USING EMOJI! Yes, I mean every damned word of it. Laughing at people—real people—who have lost everything to fires, floods, wars, or whatever else the world throws at them? What's wrong with you? Were you not taught as a child that kicking someone when they're down is the lowest of the low? Judging by what I am seeing, we've got precious few proper grown-ups left these days.

If you are one of those smirking sods indulging in this vile nonsense, let me spell it out for you: there is something rotten in your head and black in your heart. Huge swathes of society are beyond saving now, and this is exactly what a crumbling civilisation looks like.

So do us all a favour: grow up—properly this time—and, more importantly, find a shred of humanity in that shrivelled excuse for a soul of yours.

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

President Biden, Sir Keir Starmer, Chancellor Scholz, President Macron, and their counterparts must act decisively within the coming days to avert a global calamity, in the person of Elon Musk


Frankly, setting aside the demoralised denizens of #Murica, I harbour some doubts regarding whether Donald Trump fully grasped the implication of his entanglement with Elon Musk (the tawny marionette merely heeds the directive of his handlers). Indeed, I contend the entirety (or near-entirety) of our political establishment—including President Biden and his administration—together with other world leaders and governments, possessed scant awareness of the peril now manifesting with unsettling immediacy in the person of Elon Musk. 

By contrast, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping were undoubtedly cognisant, and Musk hath since become their unequivocal collaborator. President Biden, Sir Keir Starmer, Chancellor Scholz, President Macron, and their counterparts must act decisively within the coming days to avert a global calamity. This is neither jest nor hyperbole—we have been infiltrated! #Murica

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Monday, January 6, 2025

Elon threatens the United Kingdom, and NOW is the time to put a full stop to this madness

I can scarcely marshal coherent thought—such is the magnitude of my astonishment and anger at this moment in time. President-elect Musk and his ignominious orange marionette, acting in concert with other shadowy forces (Putin), are now brazenly threatening to invade and annex not merely Canada and Greenland, but also the United Kingdom. And how do we in America respond? By somnambulating into submission, placated by the (false) promises of cheap fuel, eggs, or whatever trivial justification prompted so many to cast their ballots—so they thought—for Donald Trump. And what, I ask, is President Biden doing in response? Assert your authority whilst it yet remains, Mr President! Arrest Elon Musk forthwith—he is a menace to humanity and a terrorist. Should any American dare to lay hands upon Great Britain, I shall defend my ancestral homeland to the very death! God Save the King, you fascist pigs!

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at