Monday, February 7, 2022

Biden and Scholz lay down the law to Putin: Nord Stream 2 pipeline will be shut down if Russia invades Ukraine

REUTERS/Leah Millis

All of you constantly complaining about President Biden maybe ought to stop and consider that your hero, Trump, would not have stood in Putin’s way as he threatens to run roughshod over Ukraine. In fact, Putin may pull the trigger just yet, and if he does there is a real possibility the situation could conflagrate into a much larger, possibly global conflict. The choices confronting Americans are these: Do we want our leaders to confront the Russians and stop them dead in their tracks before there is greater calamity? Or, do we tactfully approve and even outright condone Russia’s bullying and terrorism, and will throw (another) collective hissy fit if our government stands against Putin? (Much in the way the American people had a giant hissy-fit during the Afghanistan withdrawal.) Sadly, I believe an increasing number of Americans are enamored with the idea of Eastern European style autocracy, along with a growing affinity among the nationalist populist right for Russia itself. I’ve also sensed an increasing distrust of Western European powers such as Germany and France. Of course, there is the (understandable) fact that nearly all Americans – Russophiles and neo-Fascists, or not - just want nothing more to do with war, but Mr. Putin cares nothing for the wants of most Americans, now does he? As for Germany, they are doing their part and, among nations, leading; even if it is at their own expense to do so. From Reuters -  

WASHINGTON, Feb 7 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday warned that if Russia invades Ukraine, there would be no Nord Stream 2, but did not specify how he would go about ensuring the controversial pipeline would not be used. 

Speaking at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Biden said, "If Russia invades... again, then there will be longer Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." 

When asked how he would do that, he responded, "I promise you we will be able to do it." 

Europe's most divisive energy project, Nord Stream 2 is designed by Russian energy giant Gazprom to double the amount of gas flowing from Russia straight to Germany, bypassing traditional transit nation Ukraine. 

The United States and Germany have sought to present a united front against potential Russian military aggression in Ukraine, with Biden declaring the two in "lockstep" despite questions over Berlin's commitment to scuttle the important energy pipeline. (Read more)

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