Monday, February 14, 2022

Ungrateful, cowardly Afghanis bemoan the Biden Administration redirecting central bank funds to 9/11 victims

Kiana Hayeri/NYT

For twenty long and thankless years, Americans soldiers gave their blood for these ingrates and cowards, and American taxpayers spent unholy amount of money to assist (key word) in the rebuilding of their pathetic wasteland of a country. It is 100% the responsibility of Afghani citizens that the Taliban is ruling over them once again. The Biden Administration’s greatest accomplishment to date is getting our military out of that hellhole, for which they took nothing but grief from nearly all sides. The nerve of any of these people to say America has been ‘cruel’ and has betrayed them. In hindsight, perhaps Afghanistan should have been nuked into oblivion on September 12, 2001. Only half-kidding there. New York Times -  

KABUL, Afghanistan — Many Afghans said they were outraged by the Biden administration’s decision to divert billions in frozen assets from the Afghan central bank to American families of 9/11 victims, as Afghanistan hurtles deeper into economic catastrophe. 

The move, which would effectively bankrupt the country’s central bank, adds to the growing animosity that many Afghans have felt toward the United States since the troop withdrawal that paved the way for the Taliban’s takeover of the country in August

“It is a cruel act and a betrayal of the rights of the Afghan people,” Fazl Ahmad, a shopkeeper in Kabul, the capital, said on Saturday. “It is clear that the poor economic situation right now is due to the U.S. economic constraints on Afghanistan.” 

After the Taliban seized power, the Biden administration froze the roughly $7 billion in central bank assets that the now-defunct Western-backed government had on deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, amid uncertainty over who — if anyone — now had the legal authority to gain access to the account. 

On Friday, the Biden administration began a process aimed at letting relatives of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks who have legal claims against the Taliban pursue $3.5 billion of those assets. The Taliban sheltered Qaeda leaders who planned the Sept. 11 attacks during the Taliban’s previous rule of Afghanistan. 

The White House said a roughly equal amount would be steered toward humanitarian aid for Afghanistan, which is facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophes. In a statement, it said the move was “designed to provide a path for the funds to reach the people of Afghanistan, while keeping them out of the hands of the Taliban and malicious actors.” 

But for many Afghans, the decision to put half of the assets into American hands amplified frustrations about the stranglehold that the United States has had on the country’s financial system since it withdrew its troops. (Read more)

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