Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thousands of Russian citizens take to the street to protest their dictator’s aggression toward Ukraine

AP/Dmitri Lovetsky

If ever I have appeared to imply, at any time, that all individuals of Russian blood are rotten souls, then I apologize. 144.1 million people in Russia, but at least a few thousand of them are not fooled by Putin’s rhetoric and are brave enough to take a stand against bloodshed. If only the rest of their countrymen would do the same. CBC News

Shocked Russians turned out by the thousands Thursday to decry their country's invasion of Ukraine as emotional calls for protests grew on social media. 

Around 1,745 people in 54 Russian cities were detained, at least 957 of them in Moscow, according to OVD-Info, which has documented crackdowns on Russia's opposition for years. 

Hundreds of posts came pouring in condemning Moscow's most aggressive actions since the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. 

President Vladimir Putin called the attack a "special military operation" to protect civilians in Eastern Ukraine from "genocide" — a false claim the U.S. had predicted would be a pretext for invasion, and which many Russians roundly rejected. Late Thursday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said 137 civilians and military personnel had been killed in the first day of the attack. 

Tatyana Usmanova, an opposition activist in Moscow, wrote on Facebook that she thought she was dreaming when she awoke at 5:30 a.m. to the news, which she called "a disgrace that will be forever with us now." 

"I want to ask Ukrainians for forgiveness. We didn't vote for those who unleashed the war," she said. (Read more

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