Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Trump's madness knows no boundaries, as he calls for his own VP to be investigated for the crime of following the law

AFP/Getty Images

Trump knows it is a lie – the Big Lie. ‘Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,’ as Joseph Goebbels is reputed to have said, and absolutely put into practice in Nazi Germany. Trump knew Vice-President Pence did not have the constitutional authority to overturn the results of a presidential election, but will go to any lengths to keep the Big Lie going and rally the people to his cause. His cause being declared President for Life. How much further is this going to be allowed to go before this would-be dictator is locked up? The White House better have a damn good plan in place to contain the certain revolt of Trump’s most dangerous supporters when/if justice is finally served. Know this much: America – if it even survives, a big 'if’ - will be severely divided for at least a generation or two to come, in large part because of one power-hungry cult leader and the madness he has inflicted upon a country that really was not doing so great before he came along. The American people and their media overlords have only made it too easy for this evil man to take over. Trump now says he wants Mike Pence investigated for not sending back votes -  

President Donald Trump on Tuesday resumed his criticism of former Vice President Mike Pence for failing to 'overturn' the election results – and is now saying his former VP should be probed for failing to 'send back' votes in states where Trump was claiming fraud. 

Trump fired off comment in a statement from his Save America PAC – a day after a stunning statement where Trump wrote that Pence 'did have the right to change the outcome' and added 'he could have overturned the Election!' 

Now, a day after it was revealed that Pence's former chief of staff Marc Short testified before the House Jan. 6th Committee, Trump is calling for an investigation of Pence as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who accuses of failing to protect the Capitol.    

'So pathetic to watch the Unselect Committee of political hacks, liars, and traitors work so feverishly to alter the Electoral College Act so that a Vice President cannot ensure the honest results of the election, when just one year ago they said that “the Vice President has absolutely no right to ensure the true outcome or results of an election,” wrote Trump. He was referencing the Electoral Count Act, the subject of election reform negotiations. (Read more)

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