Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Speaker Pelosi drops opposition, and measure to ban members from trading stocks advances in the U.S. House

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Thoroughly approve of this measure, though it is merely a start toward cleaning up a thoroughly corrupted body. Among many other reforms that need to be made, the most pressing is the need for term limits – no more than two Senate terms, no more than six terms in the House, no more than 12 years of service between the two bodies. If we were really serious about maintaining our constitutional republic, we’d do away with political parties altogether, but both the politicians and the American public will never let go of their beloved partisan affiliations. From CNBC -  

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leaders have greenlighted a plan to craft legislation that would prohibit members of Congress from trading stock, after months of resistance to a ban by Pelosi, CNBC confirmed Wednesday. 

At Pelosi’s direction, the House Administration Committee is working on drafting the rules, and the legislation is expected to be put up for a vote this year, likely before the November midterm elections. 

In the Senate, several versions of a stock trading ban are under consideration, including one co-authored by progressive Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Montana Republican Sen. Steve Daines. 

“When you’re elected, you’re here to serve the people, not the elite, and [a stock trading ban] I think is a step forward, an important step forward, to restore the faith and trust of the American people in this institution,” Daines told CNBC on Wednesday. 

Many questions remain about what types of investments would be prohibited, what incoming members would be required to do to comply with a new law, and whether family members of lawmakers would also be banned from trading stocks. 

Nevertheless, Pelosi’s support for a stock trading ban in the House, first reported by Punchbowl News, represents an about-face for the speaker, and comes after years of congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle rejecting the idea of limiting what investments members of Congress can hold. 

In the past, opponents of a ban on stock trading in Congress have claimed it would hamper efforts to recruit the best candidates to run for office. Meanwhile, many of their own families have grown wealthy by investing in the stock market, including Pelosi’s. 

Yet in recent months, Pelosi and her top lieutenants have come under growing pressure from rank-and-file members to take action and pass a stock trading ban. 

These increasingly noisy calls for a ban have been spurred in part by growing public support for a prohibition on lawmakers trading stocks. (Read more

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