Wednesday, February 2, 2022

President Biden orders 2,000 additional troops to European bases, and 8,500 more on alert, as the world waits on edge for Putin to make his move on Ukraine

Mikhail Metzel/Sputnik/AFP/Getty Images

Many Americans bemoan that we are ‘the policeman of the world,’ but if that were not so, Vladimir Putin would have taken over Ukraine years ago. Putin’s end game is restoring the Soviet Union, but that monster must never be allowed to reemerge. Via AP -  

BRUSSELS —President Joe Biden is sending about 2,000 troops from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to Poland and Germany this week and shifting roughly 1,000 Germany-based soldiers to Romania, a senior administration official said Wednesday. 

Biden has said he will not put American troops in Ukraine to fight any Russian incursion, although the United States is supplying Ukraine with weapons to defend itself. 

The military moves come amid stalled talks with Russia over its military buildup at Ukraine’s borders. And they underscore growing fears across Europe that Russian President Vladimir Putin is poised to invade Ukraine. Smaller NATO countries on the alliance's eastern flank worry they could be next, although Russia has said it has no intention of initiating conflict and is willing to continue diplomatic efforts. 

The administration official spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss military moves not yet announced. 

Biden had said recently that he intended to provide additional U.S. forces to NATO allies in Eastern Europe as reassurance of an American commitment as treaty allies. 

The Pentagon also has put about 8,500 U.S.-based troops on higher alert for possible deployment to Europe as additional reassurance to allies, and officials have indicated the possibility that additional units could be placed on higher alert soon. The U.S. already has between 75,000 and 80,000 troops in Europe as permanently stationed forces and as part of regular rotations in place such as Poland. (Read more)

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