Saturday, February 26, 2022

Germany steps up in the fight against Putin, reverses ban on weapon sales to Ukraine and announces it will support SWIFT banking restrictions on Russia

AP/Christoph Schmidt/dpa

At this time 80 years ago, Germany was the aggressor. Today, it is arguably the leader of the free world; a peaceful, prosperous, and responsible nation. Could Russia ever make that same transition? There were high hopes at the end of the Cold War, but those have been gradually shattered as Vladimir Putin came to power and set about restoring the empire. Germany’s redemption was due, in large part, to the strong character and work ethic of the German people (full disclosure - I am of German blood, so I may be a little biased.) While I do not wish to entirely disparage the Russian people, I’ve seen scant evidence over the years that they possess those same qualities that allowed Germany to successfully rebuild. Indeed, it has been 30 years since the fall of the Soviet Union, but Russia remains a despotic and largely impoverished backwater whose only leverage comes from its large geographic size, its military might (re: nuclear weapons), and its cunning, evil mastermind dictator. Associated Press

VIENNA (AP) — In a significant shift, the German government said Saturday it will send weapons and other supplies directly to Ukraine, which is fighting to keep Russia from invading its capital city. Germany is also ready to also support some restrictions of the SWIFT global banking system for Russia, officials said. 

Germany’s chancellery announced Saturday evening that it will send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 “Stinger” surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine “as quickly as possible.” 

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine marks a turning point. It threatens our entire post-war order,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in a statement. “In this situation, it is our duty to help Ukraine, to the best of our ability, to defend itself against Vladimir Putin’s invading army.” 

The news came shortly after the German economy and climate ministry said in a Saturday evening statement that Germany is allowing the Netherlands to ship 400 German-made anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. The government has also approved the shipment of 9 D-30 howitzers and ammunition originally from Estonia. 

Germany had long stuck to a policy of not exporting deadly weapons to conflict zones, including Ukraine. As recently as Friday, government officials said they would abide by that policy. (Read more)

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