Friday, February 18, 2022

President Biden declares he is convinced Putin and Russia are about to invade their neighbors, as Russian separatists allege shelling and sabotage in eastern Ukraine

A shame that a large percentage of nationalist populist Americans - their brains destroyed by cult worship of Donald Trump, and egged on by numerous other far-right provocateurs and propagandists - will be chanting 'Let's Go Brandon' and rooting for the Russian aggressors; all the while cynically waving the American flag and crowing about what greater 'patriots' they are than the rest of the American populace. Prayers for Ukraine, and for sanity and morality to somehow overcome the great odds and prevail. Via the Los Angeles Times -

President Biden said Friday that he is convinced Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, capping a day full of ominous turns toward war between Russia and the former Soviet Republic.

“We believe that they will target Ukraine’s capital Kyiv, a city of 2.8 million innocent people,” Biden said in a somber White House address. “We’re calling out Russia’s plans loudly and repeatedly, not because we want a conflict, but because we’re doing everything in our power to remove any reasons that Russia may give to justify invading Ukraine.”

Until Russia attacks, Biden said, “diplomacy is always a possibility,” holding out slight hope that Western powers might avert a bloody, disruptive and economically damaging war.

The comments followed similar admonitions from Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken that Russia’s plan to create a pretext for invading Ukraine “is already in play,” with Russian-backed separatists claiming they were the victims of artillery shelling and sabotage.

The Biden administration has said it will not send troops to defend Ukraine. Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh, however, vowed on Friday that Russia would become a “pariah to the international community” and “isolated from global financial markets,” with punishing sanctions, if it attacks its western neighbor.

American and European leaders, meanwhile, continued a show of unity as Russia, which has 150,000 troops amassed around Ukraine, announced weekend drills that would test the “reliability” of its nuclear weapons, yet another stark reminder of the stakes in the standoff between the Kremlin and NATO. (Read more)

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