Friday, November 5, 2021

17-year-old son of Virginia governor-elect is caught attempting to vote illegally. Twice

Shawn Thew/EPA

These GOP f**ks and their supporters (enablers) couldn’t be anymore shameless. Here they are recklessly accusing Democrats, minorities, immigrants, and anybody who is not them of voting fraud, but when the son of a new golden boy Republican politician is caught attempting to commit actual fraud, we get either dead silence or desperate spin (‘he wasn’t charged with a crime,’ ‘he misunderstood the law,’ they’ll demand. No, knock it off.) Via WTOP

Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin’s teenage son tried to vote despite being ineligible to do so, the Fairfax County Office of Elections said Friday. 

Scott Konopasek, general registrar and director of elections for the county, said the 17-year-old made two attempts at voting on Election Day. He presented identification but could not be registered, because he was underage and therefore was not able to vote. 

WTOP is not identifying Youngkin’s son, because he is under 18 and has not been charged with a crime. 

He was given a registration form and encouraged to participate in future elections, Konopasek said. (Read more)

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