Monday, November 15, 2021

Russia confirmed to have conducted anti-satellite test (ASAT) that put the lives of astronauts aboard the International Space Station in jeopardy


In more news that is of vital importance but nobody is talking about, the State Department has confirmed that Russia conducted an anti-satellite test (ASAT) over the weekend. You know, only America's mortal enemy that has interfered in our elections and is the world leader in disseminating anti-democratic propaganda – fake news and conspiracy theories – warping the minds of countless millions. The same Russia that paid bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, of which President Trump and the majority of the American people said nothing about. Yes, this is a pretty severe threat to national security, one in which astronauts aboard the International Space Station were put in grave jeopardy. But nothing to see here, right? - 

Russia conducted an anti-satellite test (ASAT) early on Monday (Nov. 15), generating hundreds of thousands of pieces of space debris and threatening the safety of astronauts on the International Space Station, the U.S. government has confirmed. 

"Earlier today, the Russian Federation recklessly conducted a destructive satellite test of a direct-ascent anti-satellite missile against one of its own satellites," U.S. Department of State spokesperson Ned Price said during a daily press briefing today (Nov. 15).  

“The test has so far generated over 1,500 pieces of trackable orbital debris and hundreds of thousands of pieces of smaller orbital debris that now threaten the interests of all nations," Price said. He added that this event has posed a serious threat to the seven astronauts currently in space. 

"This test will significantly increase the risk to astronauts and cosmonauts on the International Space Station, as well as to other human spaceflight activities," Price added. 

Earlier today, the seven astronauts on the International Space Station took refuge within their Soyuz and Dragon vehicles docked to the space station as the station continued to pass through a debris field every 90 minutes. There are currently four NASA astronauts, two Russian cosmonauts and one German astronaut from the European Space Agency (ESA) on board.  

With the crew taking shelter, rumors swirled that Russia may have conducted an ASAT test that destroyed a defunct satellite not too far from the station, and the space debris from that interaction could be what is causing this danger.  

Price stated that Russia did conduct an ASAT test that created hundreds of thousands of pieces of debris, although he did not specify whether the test created the debris cloud that the astronauts are dealing with. (Read more)

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