Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Unfit to serve: U.S. Navy tells remaining unvaxxed sailors to either get vaxxed, or get out

Julio Rivera/U.S. Navy via AP

If they’re buying into the lies and conspiracy theories of outsiders - instead of what their commanding officers and the Commander-in-Chief are telling them (or they’re just plain scared of a needle) - then they are not fit to serve. Note that less than 2,000 sailors remain unvaxxed -

Sailors who are denied a COVID-19 vaccination exemption will have five days to get their first shot or be discharged, according to a Navy administrative message released Monday.

The message, issued by the Navy's head of manpower, personnel, training and education, a three-star admiral, notes that the lowest discharge rating a vaccine-refusing sailor can receive, "without extenuating circumstances, will be GENERAL (under honorable conditions)." 

The Marine Corps released a similar message Oct. 25. 

The update is the latest in a series of announcements that the Navy has issued communicating its intent to vaccinate its entire force. (Read more)

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