Tuesday, November 2, 2021

CDC panel approves Pfizer vaccine for children age 5-11

Duke Health

Since half the adults in this country refuse to do anything to mitigate the spread of the virus, perhaps vaccinating these little vectors of disease will go some ways in eradicating it. Long overdue. - 

Pfizer Inc.’s Covid-19 shot for children age 5 to 11 was backed unanimously by advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a vote that will help usher in a new phase in the pandemic response. 

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted 14-0 in favor of giving young children the shot developed by Pfizer and BioNTech SE after it was cleared Friday by U.S. regulators. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky still must sign off on the recommendation before vaccinations begin, and her decision is expected later Tuesday.  

“Today is a monumental day in the course of this pandemic, and one that many of us have been very eager to see,” she said at the opening of the panel’s all-day meeting. “For almost two full years, schools have been fundamentally changed; there have been children in second grade who have never experienced a normal school year.” 

A surge in infections fueled by the delta variant and the return of in-person learning have increased calls for younger children to be immunized. Although kids generally don’t get as sick as adults from Covid, many parents and caregivers are keen to give children -- as well as older and ill people who interact with them -- a shield against infection. (Read more)

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