Monday, November 22, 2021

A flash mob of looters, consisting of at least 80 individuals, invades northern California department store

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If this doesn’t speak ominously as to the direction the people of this country are going in. Post-COVID, and amid all the racial, political, and economic turmoil, crime and violence is starting to explode. Seeing as Americans only want to rip each other’s heads off now, these trends will continue to spike in spite of even the best efforts made to mitigate the damage. Crazy as it seems, Americans – enough of them, at least - appear genuinely hellbent on self-destruction. -

A Nordstrom store in San Francisco was overrun by dozens of looters on Saturday night who tore through the department store, grabbing merchandise and fleeing in waiting cars. 

Around 80 suspects were involved in what law enforcement is calling a smash-and-grab incident in Walnut Creek, a county east of San Francisco.

Police arrested three people in connection with the incident, per a press release from the Walnut Creek police department. San Francisco natives Dana Dawson, 30, and Joshua Underwood, 32, and 18-year-old Rodney Robinson, from Oakland, were named by the police. 

"Police are investigating what was clearly a planned event, with the initial calls coming into the department about cars driving recklessly in the area shortly before 9 p.m.," read the police press release. It added that Nordstrom employees called law enforcement when around 80 people entered the store and grabbed merchandise.

"Two employees were assaulted, and one was pepper-sprayed by the suspects," said the police department. The authorities added that they managed to stop one of the getaway cars waiting outside and arrest two people — including Dawson, who was in possession of a firearm.

The police department added that the rest of the mob managed to flee the area "in cars at high speeds." There were at least ten different vehicles involved in the crime, per CNN. (Read more)

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