Thursday, November 4, 2021

The United States of Cultism: Why do we tolerate and even embrace brainwashing?

How to know if it’s a cult? If its adherents use the exact same language and talking points, the same invective against enemies, and display not one original thought of their own – all the while boasting of how independent-minded they are and how those other people are ‘sheep’ and illegitimate – then it is a cult. Whether it is 12-step ‘recovery’ programs, false religions, hate groups, or #Cult45 and other political cesspools, they are all a menace to society and need to be eradicated. Why do we put up with cults, and why are we so hesitant to label them as such? The f**king First Amendment? We’re all so drunk on ‘freedom’ that we’ve backed ourselves into a tyrannical nightmare. Americans have to be some of the most misguided and tragically inept people in world history, and I don’t buy into the myths and fairy tales of American exceptionalism as I once did. We are exceptionally stupid, that much is true.

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