Wednesday, November 17, 2021

New York City: Anti-vaxxers display swastikas and Star of David outside Jewish assemblyman’s office

Office of Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz

Washington Post - Protesters display swastika, Star of David outside Jewish politician’s office to oppose vaccine rules

Explicit Anti-Semitism: Exactly the direction the anti-vaxxers, at least some members of both parties, and the entire nationalist populist and ‘progressive’ movements are heading in. America itself is beginning to turn its back on the Jewish people. We speak specifically of the anti-vaxxers here, and nearly all populist movements in history have eventually scapegoated the Jews; usually with great success. America and the civilized world once declared ‘never again,’ but it is about to happen again – large chunks of Americans have grown hellbent on being the new Nazi Germans, and most of the rest are naïve and blind to the true extent of the evil unfolding in front of us.

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