Friday, November 26, 2021

Setting the record straight: ‘Russiagate’ was not a hoax, and Trump is not a victim

Brendan Smialowski /AFP /Getty Images

David Frum, the former White House speechwriter during the Bush 43 administration, is sounding the alarm about the media’s latest tactic in their campaign to revive the political career of Donald Trump: Whitewashing Russia’s (successful) efforts to gaslight the American public and elect Trump in 2016. Don’t fall for any of this bulls**t

If Donald Trump had been supported only by people who affirmatively liked him, his attack on American democracy would never have gotten as far as it did. 

Instead, at almost every turn, Trump was helped by people who had little liking for him as a human being or politician, but assessed that he could be useful for purposes of their own. The latest example: the suddenly red-hot media campaign to endorse Trump’s fantasy that he was the victim of a “Russia hoax.” 

The usual suspects in the pro-Trump media ecosystem will of course endorse and repeat everything Trump says, no matter how outlandish. But it’s not pro-Trumpers who are leading the latest round of Trump-Russia denialism. This newest round of excuse-making is being sounded from more respectable quarters, in many cases by people distinguished as Trump critics. With Trump out of office—at least for the time being—they now feel free to subordinate their past concerns about him to other private quarrels with the FBI or mainstream media institutions. On high-subscription Substacks, on popular podcasts, even from within prestige media institutions, people with scant illusions about Trump the man and president are nonetheless volunteering to help him execute one of his Big Lies. (Read more)

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