Monday, November 15, 2021

Connecticut judge rules professional hate-monger and seditionist Alex Jones is ‘guilty by default’ of defaming the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre

Adriana Zehbrauskas/NYT

A mere slap on the wrist for somebody who – if we lived in a sane country – should be in a prison cell for the rest of his life. How many millions of minds and hearts have been poisoned by this individual’s various crusades over the last twenty years; from the lie about 9/11 being an ‘inside job,’ to his long-time anti-vaccine activism (long predating the arrival of COVID), to enabling the rise of Donald Trump, and to this vile Sandy Hook conspiracy theory, few of these multitudes of grifters have quite as much blood on their hands as he. Nobody – probably not even Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, or even Trump himself - been quite as effective as Alex Jones in sowing the seeds of the coming civil war. No other civilized nation in the 21st century would tolerate this evil, but in no other first-world country is ‘freedom’ a rallying cry for oppressing and dominating others quite as it is in #Murica and with its legions of ‘freedom-loving,’ far-right ‘patriots.' -

A superior court in Connecticut granted a sweeping victory to the families of eight people killed in a 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., suing the far-right broadcaster and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars media outlet for defamation. 

The judge in Connecticut ruled on Monday that because Mr. Jones refused to turn over documents ordered by the courts, including financial records, he was guilty by default. The ruling combines with three previous rulings in Texas to grant the families of 10 Sandy Hook shooting victims four victories in four defamation lawsuits against Mr. Jones. (Read more)

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