Monday, November 15, 2021

Austria implements COVID lockdown for the unvaccinated as cases yet again surge

AP Photo/Lisa Leutner

America has more or less surrendered to the virus, but a few, more enlightened countries are still making an effort to stop the spread. But even in these places, there are malcontents crying about their rights and nationalist politicians eager to appease this ‘freedumb’ constituency. -

BERLIN (AP) — Austria took what its leader called the “dramatic” step Monday of implementing a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people who haven’t recently had COVID-19, perhaps the most drastic of a string of measures being taken by European governments to get a massive regional resurgence of the virus under control. 

The move, which took effect at midnight, prohibits people 12 and older who haven’t been vaccinated or recently recovered from leaving their homes except for basic activities such as working, grocery shopping, going to school or university or for a walk — or getting vaccinated. 

The lockdown is initially being imposed until Nov. 24 in the Alpine country of 8.9 million. It doesn’t apply to children under 12 because they cannot yet officially get vaccinated — though the capital, Vienna, on Monday opened up vaccinations for under-12s as part of a pilot project and reported high demand. 

Officials say police patrols and checks will be stepped up and unvaccinated people can be fined up to 1,450 euros ($1,660) if they violate the lockdown. (Read more)

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