Friday, July 5, 2024

UK General Election 2024: a tale of the timeless resilience and efficiency of British governance vs. the decay of American ‘democracy’. Americans ought take heed (but will not, naturally)

Sir Keir Starmer celebrates his electoral victory, 5 July 2024. Photo: PA Media

Though not without blemish, the political tapestry of the UK persists as a marvel of efficiency and justice, as demonstrably proven anew. As an American of WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) blood, I say #Murica must take heed; the state of our system of governance lays bare its flaws as never in history. A fair election, conducted with civility and respect, unfolded in the Motherland, a beacon for how a nation should conduct a fair election. If only Americans were willing to pay attention and were not hellbent on national suicide.

Twelve long hours have I spent as I write this, eyes glued to Sky News, and what anyone who followed mine lead would have a revelation: the electoral process within the realm of Britannia doth function with grace and order, a stark contrast to the sorry state of affairs that plagues the United States. For 237 years, the American constitution hath served as a bulwark, yet time, alas, hath rendered it painfully outdated. It has reached the limits of its usefulness, offering but a tattered defense against the ills of the modern age. Corruption festers at America’s systemic core, a corruption beyond repair. This unwieldy empire, a monstrous polyglot, hath grown too vast to govern as one. The only path forward is a sundering, carving up the land into more manageable pieces.

The British system is time-tested and reliable, and shall function a hundred years and longer. It shall function with unwavering purpose (assuming the planet has not been destroyed years hence). For all the beatings they are enduring, notice how the Tories are not blaming their historic loss on baseless cries of election fraud, nor do they forment rebellion in the vein of a J6-style coup attempt, nor are they calling for white supremacist theocracy. 

Relative to our zealous #Cult45 and adjacent Christofascist goons, even Reform UK displays a commendable restraint in matters of societal control. Nigel Farage is a man of eloquent tongue and gentle demeanor, leading a group far less fixated upon social dictates and the micromanagement of peoples’ lives. and I find that he and his bunch are not anywhere near as obsessively focused on social issues and wanting to control all aspects of citizens’ lives. Compared to the current GOP, the Tories of the past fourteen years appear as paragons of reason and competence. Yet, the Britons have proven themselves not entirely lost to the allure of charismatic conmen or the throes of moral hysteria as #Murica is in its twilight time.

The United Kingdom shall still be standing when the United States of America is but a memory. A yearning grips my soul, a longing for a place unseen, yet somehow deeply familiar, a home I've never known in this earthly coil. It has been a while since I last delved into my ancestral research, but I shall do so over the next few days. Take me home.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Kremlin prepares law to bind the wombs of Russia's daughters and essentially force them to give birth

Photo: Natalia Kolesnikova/AFP/Getty Images.

An extreme fervor for fertility amongst those who cloak themselves in piety and nationalism - and predominantly amongst men - is quickly becoming rampant in #Murica. Five minutes on Twitter will confirm that this is a major tenet of the Christian nationalists. From whence springs this obsession? Where they get nearly all their propaganda and marching from, of course, Mother Russia. Eight billion people inhabit this mortal coil, far more than was ever needed or is sustainable: yet fascists everywhere repeat the same refrain of 'we need more babies’. Indeed, Russia’s birth rates are lower than those of much of the world, but the last thing this world needs is any more Orcs. {Daily Wrap 28/6 - Kremlin targets child-free ideology: new laws to boost birth rates}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Eradicating the global fascist plague: a call for the restoration of British global leadership in troubled time on general election day in the UK

The Palace of Westminster. Photo: Britannica.

Today is the day a nation rid itself of the Tory menace that hath plagued their land for fourteen years. I hold not my breath that the US shall follow their lead regarding Trump and the GOP, but I am confident Sir Keir Starmer shall set Britain aright, as he did with the Labour Party after the disgraceful Jeremy Corbyn years.

France teeters on the brink of neo-fascism, and Germany cannot manage all alone. The United States is collapsing, Russia is not retreating from Ukraine, Hungary is drunk on nationalist populism and becoming a grave problem within the EU, China waxeth ever bolder, the Middle East is in flames, and India is swiftly becoming a menace under Modi. The UK must step up once more as leaders of the free world.

I am hopeful that mine two primary ancestral homelands, the UK and Germany, shall lead the resistance against the neo-fascist and theocratic tyranny poisoning the planet. The country fate hath placed me in, and the gaggle of idiots and sadists that populate it, shall not save the world this time. The United States and Canada were noble once, when mine grandfather and uncles fought to defeat the Nazis and Imperial Japan. Yet, the United States hath now become a monster, and Canada is increasingly irrelevant under the leadership of an insufferable, inept narcissist. In mine heart, today I am in England. #Labour #SirKeirStarmer #LeaderOfTheFreeWorld

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

If we are destined to live under a dictatorship, then pick one’s poison wisely: for the sake of our survival, President Biden must now go scorched earth on Trump and friends, the MSM, and all who enable and support these treasonous entities

The Biden campaign needs to go scorched earth, emphasising that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the genocide of the Ukrainian people.  A vote for Trump is a vote to destroy Social Security and Medicare, and impoverish and kill millions of seniors and disabled people.

Furthermore, it is crucial to remind the public - on a daily basis - what an inept buffoon Trump was during his four rotten years in the White House, most especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. No president in American history - save for James Buchanan - mismanaged a major crisis worse than Trump did with COVID-19, and this nation of shallow idiots with short attention spans needs a harsh reminder.

Finally, it is time for the administration to put the fear of God into our mainstream, corporate ‘news’ outlets. As in forcefully shut them down and charge various individuals in these outlets with sedition and treason. Start with CNN, Fox News, and the New York Times.

The Supreme Court has just ruled presidents are above the law, civil war has been all but officially declared, so no more playing around. If our destiny is to live under a dictatorship, then I will take my chances with Mr. Biden as the dictator and not Trump and his band of theocratic, Putin-loving bozos.

The complete list of Trump’s lies during Thursday night’s debate. {Meidas News 28/6}

Univision finds that undecided Latino voters moved towards Biden following his supposedly disastrous debate performance. {Newsweek 28/6}

A legal scholar doth sound a dire alarm of the 'terrifying and dystopian' consequences of the Supreme Court's ruling granting leave to municipalities to fine and imprison homeless people for seeking refuge in public spaces. {The Guardian 29/6}

Self-proclaimed 'political prisoner' Steve Bannon reports to prison at FCI Danbury. {AP 01/7}

Christian nationalist pastor Doug Wilson says giving women the right to vote ‘undermined the family’. {Little Green Footballs 24/6}

U.S. Congress to take up legislation that could potentially force young women into combat. {WHDH 24/6}

#Cult45 pressure group plans to release a blacklist of government employees deemed hostile to Trump. {AP 24/6} 

Burying their heads in the sand: #Murica reaches new heights of denial in this ‘dumpster fire of a historical moment’. {Scientific American 18/6}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at