Thursday, March 3, 2022

Moscow police arrest small children for peacefully demonstrating against Putin’s war of aggression

Alexandra Arkhipova

Russia is not a country that values its future, it is not a country that prizes free thinking, and it is not a country that practices empathy. We in America are becoming more like them, but that is a topic for another day. From NPR -  

They carried flowers, and handmade signs reading "нет войне" — No to War. They tried to leave their message outside Ukraine's embassy in Moscow — and for that, they were arrested. 

That's the story emerging in Russia about five children, ages 7 to 11, who went with their mothers to visit the embassy on Tuesday. Their excursion could have served as a reminder of shared humanity, even during a conflict. But police in Moscow didn't see it that way. They detained the kids and parents, putting them in a holding cell. 

The police officers shouted at the parents, threatening that the "brave moms" might lose their parental rights, according to Alexandra Arkhipova, who posted photos and a video of the ordeal on her Facebook page

The Moscow children's signs include images of what, for now at least, seems like an impossible equation: a Russian flag followed by a plus sign and a Ukrainian flag, equaling a heart. 

The case got the attention of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who shared images of the children and said it was another sign of the toll Russian President Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine is taking on children. 

Referring to Putin as he discussed the kids being detained in Moscow, Kuleba said, "This is how scared the man is." (Read more)

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