Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Prayers for Kyiv: Large Russian convoy approaches the Ukrainian capital with stated goal of attacking intelligence and security installations, but large numbers of Russian troops are said to be surrendering ‘without a fight’


The true state of the Russian military is being exposed for all the world to see, and this is not the Red Army of World War II by any stretch. (NOTE: It is impossible to document all of the concurrent developments that have been rapidly unfolding in Ukraine, and my primary purpose in keeping this blog – knowing I’m never going to make a cent from it – is for documentation of the times we are living in. This is a one-man operation. Frankly, for most of the past few days I’ve been watching coverage almost non-stop – not a moment of it via the trash cable news networks we have in the United States, but European sources such as Sky News, BBC, DW, and France 24 – and am a bit too overwhelmed to be saying much. Then again, compared to what the Ukrainian people are going through, it is a good problem to have. #StandWithUkraine.) Sky News reports -  

Russia has told people in Kyiv to leave their homes ahead of strikes on key intelligence targets - as the US said Moscow's advance on the Ukrainian capital had "stalled", with some units surrendering to President Zelenskyy's troops "without a fight". 

Russia's defence ministry said on Tuesday its forces will target the Security Service of Ukraine and the 72nd Center for Information and Psychological Operations (PSO) with strikes. 

The defence ministry added the attacks will be designed to "thwart informational attacks against Russia". 

"We urge Ukrainian citizens involved by Ukrainian nationalists in provocations against Russia, as well as Kyiv residents living near relay stations, to leave their homes." 

The warning comes as a senior US official reportedly said Russia's attack on Kyiv has "stalled", with some units "surrendering without a fight" to Ukrainian troops. 

Five dead as Russia strikes TV tower in Kyiv with stations knocked out - latest on Ukraine crisis 

The official anonymously told US media on Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin's forces have come up against several logistical issues as they continue to struggle to take control of Kyiv. 

Some units are even running out of food and fuel, the official told CNN. 

They added that Russia's advance on Kyiv remains stuck "where it was yesterday". (Read more

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