Wednesday, March 23, 2022

America’s president shows steady leadership as Russia’s president wages genocide against the Ukrainian people and unimaginable horror plays out; meanwhile, the American people cry about gas prices and play the blame game. Insights and headlines from another week of war in Ukraine


Working to prevent World War III is a delicate operation, and President Biden is displaying proper leadership during this crisis. Not that very many Americans seem to appreciate it, but thankfully we have a leader who is not going to put fickle public opinion ahead of the lives of the Ukrainian people and global security. Sadly, I’m afraid Ukraine and other vulnerable nations will not be able to count upon America’s help in the future, and Americans are going the way of the Russians. Decaying, mean-spirited, heartless, soulless nationalists and Fascists. I support President Biden because he is essentially the only one standing between us and tyranny, even as most of our fellow Americans and their political idols embrace it. Once he is gone, America is going full-on Nazi, and the world will be an even more dangerous and unpleasant place than we already endure. 

I am sensing that most Americans are starting to become annoyed with having to pay attention to the situation in Ukraine, and only want to bitch about gas prices, illegal aliens, and made-up controversies such as Critical Race Theory or the 2020 presidential election being rigged. We can't even be bothered to any longer take precautions against a deadly virus, and shrug our soldiers at nearly one million dead from said virus. We are not a good country, Americans are not good people anymore, by and large, and can no longer be counted upon by anybody.

It is not Americans who fight for freedom anymore - indeed, too many Americans no longer really know what ‘freedom’ actually means. Instead, they embrace mindless populism. Populism is a disease. It is at once a narcissistic belief in one’s superiority, and a persecution complex of never measuring up to others around them. Populism is one desperately screaming, ‘you will respect my willful ignorance, or else.’ Desperate to never be anything other than an idiot, and willing to commit genocide to protect their stupidity. That is where we are at, as is Putin’s Russia. In both cases, it is not going to end well. Russians and Americans really no longer matter, aside from the damage they can and do inflict upon the world: It is the Ukrainian people who are either going to save their nation, Europe, and the world from its most nefarious menace, or they will perish trying. This is their 1776. Слава Україні. Via the New York Times -

WASHINGTON — President Biden will announce sanctions this week on hundreds of members of Russia’s lower house of Parliament, according to a White House official familiar with the announcement, as the United States and its allies reach for even stronger measures to punish President Vladimir V. Putin for his monthlong invasion of Ukraine.

The announcement is scheduled to be made during a series of global summits in Europe on Thursday, when Mr. Biden will press Western leaders for even more aggressive economic actions against Russia as its forces continue to rain destruction on cities in Ukraine.

In Brussels on Thursday, Mr. Biden and other leaders will announce a “next phase” of military assistance to Ukraine, new plans to expand and enforce economic sanctions, and an effort to further bolster NATO defenses along the border with Russia, Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, said on Tuesday. (Read more)

Maximilian Clarke/Story Picture Agency

Mariupol reduced to ‘ashes of a dead land.’ The scary thing is, up until now this has been a very pro-Russian city. The vast majority of residents are (or were) Russian speakers. Yet, Putin chose to punish the city the hardest of all. Pure evil (The Guardian 3/22)

‘Ukrainian forces fought off continuing Russian efforts to occupy Mariupol and claimed to have retaken a strategic suburb of Kyiv on Tuesday, mounting a defense so dogged that it is stoking fears Russia’s Vladimir Putin will escalate the war to new heights’ (AP 3/22)

Putin has used Belarus to attack Ukraine from its north, and he sought to use Belarusian soldiers as ‘cannon fodder,’ with the Belarusian dictator’s total compliance. Belarusian railway workers have put a major dent into these nefarious plans, destroying vital rail lines from Belarus into Ukraine (EuroMaidan Press 3/21)

Russian troops fire grenades and bullets at peaceful demonstrators against occupation in the city of Kherson (Sky News 3/21)

‘This is what they call the “operation of denazification.”’ One of the saddest stories yet from this unjust war: 96-year-old Holocaust survivor killed in Russian strike on the city of Kharkiv (CNN 3/21)

This man is a true hero, in a world that persecutes heroes and they are few in number: Opposition leader Alexei Navalny found guilty of ‘fraud,’ sentenced to nine additional years in prison (NPR 3/22)

‘The U.S. and Ukraine have knocked back Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to falsely frame the narrative of his brutal war, but they are struggling to get a more accurate view of the Kremlin’s invasion in front of the Russian people’ (AP 3/22)

China crash is ‘unprecedented’ given Boeing 737′s stellar safety record, says aviation analyst (CNBC 3/22)

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