Wednesday, March 2, 2022

For once, a reason for (extremely) cautious optimism in dark times: A global united front emerges against Putin’s war of aggression on Ukraine

AP/Bernat Armangue

When one considers all the turmoil in the world and in our lives in recent times – COVID, rising political extremism, inflation and economic stagnation, climate change, and that is only the tip of the iceberg – it is something of a minor miracle that we are seeing such an overwhelming global response against Vladimir Putin and for the people of Ukraine from governments, corporations, media, and ordinary individuals. Truly, I have largely lost all faith in people – most of all, in fellow Americans - after the last several years, and I’m not declaring it restored now; only that there is a degree of encouragement in the moment. Some of the latest headlines - 

The United Nations votes 141-5, with 35 abstentions, to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Voting no: Belarus, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea, and Russia

‘Russia reported its military casualties for the first time since the invasion began last week, saying nearly 500 of its troops had been killed and almost 1,600 wounded. Ukraine insisted Russia’s losses were far higher but did not immediately disclose its own’ 

In triumphant State of the Union address, President Biden says of Putin: 'He has no idea what's coming'

Biden administration unveils ‘KleptoCapture’ task force to shut down Russian oligarchs

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