Saturday, March 19, 2022

Yuri Gagarin, Tchaikovsky, and vodka: Opposing Putin’s war of aggression on Ukraine without losing perspective, common sense, and humanity

Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space. Getty Images

Am about as anti-Russia as it gets, and I would be in favor of removing Russian nationals - those without U.S. citizenship and have not sworn loyalty to America - from our borders while this war on aggression on Ukraine continues. Certainly, few are in the mood to celebrate much about Russia or its history, but can we focus our anger on Putin and his enablers and not on historical figures with no connection to the modern slaughter, please? I’ve seen blurbs about the music of Tchaikovsky being removed (or at least the idea discussed) from the programs of certain orchestras. Russian vodka has been from store shelves all over the place. Believe it or not, some Russians in history have made great art and achieved major milestones, just as multitudes of Germans did long before and long after the Nazi period. Remember, prior to said era, the United States went through a shameless period of anti-German hysteria in World War I, where absurdities like effectively forcing Americans to change their German surnames and renaming sauerkraut as 'liberty cabbage' occurred. Judging by the harrowing state of American society today, that populist idiocy and mass ignorance which are documented daily, I am not certain we have learned very much from those days. It should be possible to the fight the Russians and shame them without losing all perspective and reason, but it will never be possible: Precisely because base human nature is so tribal, so ignorant, and so self-defeating. 

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