Saturday, March 12, 2022

Invading Ukraine will be Putin's downfall, and Russia will go down with him

Belarusian soldiers are refusing to fight Ukrainians. There are numerous reports of Russian soldiers surrendering or otherwise going AWOL. Many of these soldiers are barely being fed, and the Russians have had numerous logistical issues in carrying out this invasion. Putin is decimating his own military. But a wounded animal is a dangerous one, and it is unspeakable what he may resort to. Scorched earth. When Hitler knew the war was lost, he issued the ‘Nero Decree,’ ordering all German infrastructure to be destroyed (scuttled by Albert Speer.) Putin will do the same to Russia in due time. And that time may be near.

The Daily Beast/Instagram/AP

Francis Fukuyama: ‘Russia is heading for an outright defeat in Ukraine;’ ‘Putin will not survive the defeat of his army’ 

Pregnant woman smeared by Russian propaganda as a ‘crisis actor’ gives birth in Mariupol hospital bomb shelter

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