Saturday, March 5, 2022

Vladimir Putin has lost his mind and destroyed his own country, harkening back to the darkest of Soviet times; Russia’s economy likely to become nothing more than ‘a gigantic military factory’

Steve Benson/Arizona Republic

Life in Russia has never been a picnic, but it’s now about to endure a level of tyranny and militarism not seen since Stalin. That is, if Vladimir Putin survives the year without being overthrown. Several possibilities, none of them good for Mother Russia. From Kyiv Independent -  

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing economic crisis caused by Western sanctions have already transformed Russia. 

The country’s economy is expected to shrink by 20% in the second quarter and by around 3.5% for the full year following intensified sanctions, JPMorgan said on Feb. 28. 

However, analysts say that the war is having an even greater impact on Russian society, with the country fast-track turning into a rogue totalitarian state. 

There is a major crackdown on dissent, and Russia may also switch to a planned economy similar to the Soviet one. 

“The leader becomes a person who never makes mistakes and is always right like the Pope,” Russian political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin told the Echo of Moscow radio station in a reference to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on March 1. (Read more)

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