Thursday, March 3, 2022

Axis of Evil: Western intelligence services determine that China asked Russia to hold off on Ukraine invasion until Beijing Olympics concluded


Putin has consistently courted China and Xi as allies. Xi does not want Russia standing in the way if and when China makes its move on Taiwan. Xi is likely pleased that Putin is testing global outrage – and the limits of the international response – of a such a bold invasion in modern times. Both wish to severely weaken and even all-out destroy America, the European Union, and Western allies, and we’ve known as such for years. So it is not a shock that the Chinese are reported to have had some degree of foreknowledge of Putin’s designs on Ukraine, and perhaps the Russians know something about what Xi may be cooking up. Russia, China, and probably India, Iran, and a handful of lesser aligned powers, are forming a new Warsaw Pact style organization to counter the NATO nations. So long as they wish to destroy the West instead of living in peace with it, this is a marriage of necessity for the belligerents. Russia and China have not always been allies, and are not very likely to always remain in harmony with one another in the long-term. Ukraine is ground zero, and I fear Taiwan will be next, in their unholy war on humanity. And what is the Western world going to do about it, other than taking up arms in a wider war that would almost certainly end all life on this planet? Via the New York Times -

WASHINGTON — A Western intelligence report said senior Chinese officials told senior Russian officials in early February not to invade Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, according to senior Biden administration officials and a European official. 

The report indicates that senior Chinese officials had some level of direct knowledge about Russia’s war plans or intentions before the invasion started last week. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia met with President Xi Jinping of China in Beijing on Feb. 4 before the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Moscow and Beijing issued a 5,000-word statement at the time declaring that their partnership had “no limits,” denouncing NATO enlargement and asserting that they would establish a new global order with true “democracy.” 

The intelligence on the exchange between the Chinese and Russian officials was classified. It was collected by a Western intelligence service and considered credible by officials. Senior officials in the United States and allied governments passed it around as they discussed when Mr. Putin might attack Ukraine. 

However, different intelligence services had varying interpretations, and it is not clear how widely the information was shared. 

One official familiar with the intelligence said the material did not necessarily indicate the conversations about an invasion took place between Mr. Xi and Mr. Putin. Other officials briefed on the intelligence declined to give further details. The officials spoke about the report on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the intelligence. 

Given the close nature of the relationship between Mr. Xi and Mr. Putin, senior Chinese officials are likely to have briefed Mr. Xi on any important exchanges between officials of their nations in the period around the leadership summit, analysts say. 

When asked by email on Wednesday whether Chinese officials had urged Russian officials to delay an invasion of Ukraine until after the Olympics, Liu Pengyu, the Chinese Embassy spokesman in Washington, said, “These claims are speculation without any basis, and are intended to blame-shift and smear China.” 

China held the closing ceremony of the Olympics on Feb. 20. The next day, Mr. Putin ordered more Russian troops to enter an insurgent-controlled area of eastern Ukraine after state television broadcast a meeting between him and his national security council and, separately, a furious speech in which he said Ukraine should be a part of Russia. Early on Feb. 24, the Russian military began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, including carrying out attacks on cities with ballistic missiles, artillery and tanks. (Read more)

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