Sunday, March 13, 2022

Skies ‘turn red’ at Ukrainian military base near Polish border, and Putin grows ever more defiant


Like many, I’ve been torn on the prospect of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, knowing that will provoke Russia further. After the attack on Yavoriv in the far west of Ukraine, it must be done. Putin wants war with NATO, and I have a sinking feeling we’re not going to be able to avoid it. Via the BBC -  

Witnesses to a deadly Russian attack on a Ukrainian military base have told how "the sky turned red" as missiles struck the site near the Polish border. 

At least 35 people died in the strike on the Yavoriv training base, near a major crossing point into Poland used by refugees from the conflict. 

Russia fired around 30 cruise missiles at the base, outside the city of Lviv, early Sunday, the local governor said. 

Hours after the attack, ambulances were still rushing to the scene. 

Roads leading to the facility were blocked with checkpoints and authorities were conducting search-and-rescue operations. 

Russian jets fired around 30 cruise missiles at the site, also known as the International Peacekeeping and Security Center, authorities in Lviv said. Most, though, were intercepted by the air defence system. (Read more)

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