Thursday, March 24, 2022

Kyiv woman who had her home burned down by Russian shelling says a relative in Moscow believes the Ukrainians are destroying their own properties on purpose

We are now seeing - in earnest, for the first time since Nazi Germany - the full effects and results of years of gaslighting - how it warps hearts and minds, and ultimately leads to bloodshed and horrific destruction. As for America, the January 6 insurrection, the continuing belligerence shown toward COVID-19 protocol, and the fact everybody wants to tear their neighbors' throats out all merely portend the hell these hate-filled fools are going to unleash upon the earth. It is the biggest nations on said earth – China, India, Russia, and the United States – that are backsliding toward a new level of despotism and are poised to form a new Axis of Evil to rule the planet. Once the domestic Fascist Cabal – agents of Putin, all - get President Biden and his administration out of the way, and once they start liquidating all the ‘undesirables,’ America will have completed its turn from an imperfect bastion of liberty to hellish despot and predator upon humanity. Europe will be eaten alive without any reasonably viable allies in the world (the likes of Australia, Japan, or maybe Canada being able to do much in this scenario are slim.) Is this what we all want for our near-future and for the long-term? Because people sure are acting as if that is what they want. All due to being fed a diet of never-ending grievance, and the innate desire of man that his ignorance must never be questioned but championed instead. Yours truly has plenty of grievances of his own and does not proclaim to know everything, but at least I know better than to hide behind demagogues, or to work to destroy the global order and replace it with something that would ultimately be far worse - a dystopia than these fools cannot conceive of in their little minds.

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