Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A record number of Americans quit their jobs in August

Rachael Flores

The Great American Crack-Up: Rightly or wrongly, Americans are angry and are becoming increasingly combative. Whether it’s the resistance to various COVID-19 protocols, or low-wage workers walking off the job, or any other number of indicators, America is collapsing from within. I don’t necessarily blame those performing thankless work for telling their ungrateful employers and thoughtless customers to shove it – I was in retail for a few years, and it is rotten work that takes a toll on one’s psyche – but it’s a symptom of a larger problem: The fact that Americans are miserable, and hate one another and want to rip each other's throats out. Sooner or later, large numbers of people will be turning to violence, and nobody is safe. CNBC -

Workers left their jobs at a record pace in August, with bar and restaurant employees as well as retail staff quitting in droves, the Labor Department reported Tuesday. 

Quits hit a new series high going back to December 2000, as 4.3 million workers left their jobs. The quits rate rose to 2.9%, an increase of 242,000 from the previous month, which saw a rate of 2.7%, according to the department’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. The rate, which is measured against total employment, is the highest in a data series that goes back to December 2000. 

Quits have been seen historically as a level of confidence from workers who feel they are secure in finding employment elsewhere, though labor dynamics have changed during Covid-19 crisis. Workers have left their jobs because of health concerns and child care issues unique to the pandemic’s circumstances. 

A total of 892,000 workers in the food service and accommodation industries left their jobs, while 721,000 retail workers departed along with 534,000 in health care and social assistance. (Read more)

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