Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Montana’s Republican AG abuses his authority, sends state troopers to force hospital to give 82 year-old COVID patient horse dewormer

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If only this were merely ‘news of the stupid’ - and it is so absurd, but also an extremely vile, tyrannical abuse of power. Who are the ones really imposing ‘medical tyranny’ here? Medical professionals who (for the most part, at least) know what treatment to give and what not to do? Or rouge Republican Party officials trying to score some brownie points with the brainwashed lemmings of #Cult45 (and with Donald Trump himself?) Via Insider -  

When a Montana hospital refused to treat an 82-year-old COVID-19 patient with the drug ivermectin earlier this month, a state trooper showed up and doctors got "harassed and threatened" by three different public officials, the hospital told local media outlets. 

A county official told Insider that the Montana Highway Patrol trooper had been dispatched by the state's attorney general - who had no authority to do so. 

The patient at the center of the dispute had been admitted to St. Peter's Health in Helena in mid-October, and was put on a treatment plan that was "not working," according to a Facebook post from the Montana Federation of Republican Women

The post added that the patient requested a prescription for ivermectin, but was denied by the hospital. When she obtained a prescription from an outside doctor, the hospital told her she would have to check out if she wanted to take it, the post said. 

Both the CDC and the FDA have issued advisories in recent months warning against using ivermectin to treat COVID-19. Though the drug is an FDA-approved prescription medication, it is typically used to treat infections caused by parasitic worms - not viruses. 

Insider was unable to reach the patient, or several associates of the patient, for comment. 

The hospital told the Montana Billings Gazette in a statement that amid the dispute, three public officials contacted doctors about their treatment. The hospital did not name the officials. 

"These conversations were deeply troubling to our physicians and staff because they were threatened and their clinical judgment was called into question by these individuals," a hospital spokesperson said. (Read more)

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