Saturday, October 16, 2021

Get vaxxed, or get lost: All Mass. state employees must be vaccinated by Sunday

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Includes police officers, with Gov. Baker ready to call in the National Guard to fill positions if belligerents continue to defy his order. WHDH -  

BOSTON (WHDH) - State employees who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 have until tomorrow, and then they could face being suspended or fired. 

The state police union fought against Gov. Charlie Baker’s mandate in court but a judge ruled in favor of the governor, who has said he will call in the National Guard to fill positions if needed. 

“Public employees, many of them spend a lot of time with the public and I think it’s important for their safety and for the safety of the people that they deal with every day that they be vaccinated,” Baker said. “The vaccines at this point are clearly effective, they clearly work.”

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