Friday, October 8, 2021

Biden White House rejects attempt by former President Trump to exert executive privilege over January 6 documents


Very proud of President Biden for telling the orange slime bag to take his ‘executive privilege’ and shove it. CBS News -  

Washington — President Biden has rejected former President Trump's assertion of executive privilege for the first set of Trump White House documents requested by January 6 select committee.  

The White House said it would give the panel access to federal records connected to the Trump White House and the January 6 insurrection, the Biden administration announced Friday. 

In a letter to the archivist of the United States, David Ferriero, White House counsel Dana Remus wrote that Mr. Biden "has determined that an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the Documents." 

The House January 6 select committee requested the documents from the National Archives in August, including all "documents and communications relating in any way to remarks made by Donald Trump or any other persons on January 6." 

Attorneys representing Mr. Trump had asked that the documents be withheld from the committee under the assertion of privilege, arguing that documents and communications related to a sitting president should be shielded from public oversight. 

But citing what it described as these "unique and extraordinary circumstances," the White House said, "Congress has a compelling understand the circumstances that led to these horrific events." (Read more)

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