Monday, October 11, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci says he does not foresee vaccine mandate for domestic air travel in the immediate future

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Dr. Anthony Fauci – making an assessment of the toxic political environment – says in a television interview that he does not foresee proof of vaccination for domestic air travel being mandated soon. Watch, when that particular mandate does go into force (and it will), the anti-vaxxers will point and say Dr. Fauci lied to them yet again. Context is key. - 

Amid a growing push for passengers on domestic flights to show proof of vaccination, top infectious-disease expert Anthony S. Fauci said he doesn’t see it happening in the near future.

His statement came Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” after anchor Dana Bash asked if he would like an air travel vaccine mandate in effect for the holidays. He said such a decision would be made with “input from a number of parts of the government.”

“On the table is the issue of mandates for vaccine,” said Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser. “It’s always discussable, we always wind up discussing it, but right now I don’t see that immediately.”

Late last month, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) introduced a bill that would make vaccination, a negative coronavirus test or proof of recent recovery from the virus mandatory to fly domestically. Earlier in the month, Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) proposed legislation to require proof of vaccination or a negative test for domestic air or Amtrak travelers.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told The Washington Post last month that he would support a vaccine mandate for domestic flights if Biden wanted to move forward with one.

During the interview Sunday, he declined to weigh in on whether he supported a mandate, saying he did not want his comments to be taken out of context.

“We have everything on the table, and it will be discussed by the medical group,” he said. (Read more)

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