Saturday, October 16, 2021

President Biden honors police officers, laments that the general public lacks understanding of what is expected of cops, and predicts fewer people will go into law enforcement in the near-future

Frankly, it is hard for a layperson such as myself to imagine why anybody would want to become a cop today. Other than for all the wrong reasons - to hurt others, and we have a problem with that - but if one is seeking to be of service and help others, then what a thankless time in history to do so. Via The Hill

President Biden on Saturday honored police during a speech outside the Capitol to honor officers who died in the line of duty in 2019 and 2020. 

Biden said it had been a historically difficult period for police, arguing that the wider public didn’t understand the difficulties and that the country would have a harder time finding people to be officers as a result. 

“I’ve been coming to this memorial for 40 years, missed a couple, and I’ve spoken to too many police memorials around the country, and it always amazes me how the public doesn’t fully understand what we expect of our law enforcement officers,” Biden said at the 40th annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service. 

Biden said being a police officer today “is a lot harder than it has ever been.” 

“We expect you to be people ready to stand in the way and take a bullet for us. We expect you to be able to track down the bad guys. We expect you to be able to be the psychologist who talks the couple that are having a violent confrontation together to step back,” he said. “We expect you to be everything. We expect everything of you, and it’s beyond the capacity of anyone to meet the tall expectations.” 

“We’re waking up to the notion that unless we can change the environment in which the job can be done, we’re going to have trouble having enough women and men come forward who want to do the job,” said Biden, who ordered flags to be flown at half-staff in recognition of Saturday’s event. (Read more)

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