Saturday, October 30, 2021

QAnon influencer who spends his days accusing the president and other political figures of pedophilia turns out to be a convicted pedophile


Least surprising thing one will hear today. Via Insider

In several of his videos, Todeschini has said Democrats are pedophiles. In the title of one recent video, Todeschini wrote that President Joe Biden was a "cho-mo," which is prison slang for pedophile. 

QAnon followers claim that there is a "deep state" of senior Democratic Party politicos, CEOs, and celebrities that run a sex cult involving children. There is no evidence for this theory. 

However, records show that Todeschini is in fact a pedophile. In 1990, he was convicted of coercing an 8-year-old boy into sexual acts in 1987, as noted on the New York state sex offenders register.  

The news was first reported by Right Wing Watch

Todeschini, who is known in QAnon circles as David Trent, is classed as a level three threat by New York state, meaning he has a "high risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists." 

He was released from prison in 2006 and said in a recent video that he now lives in North Carolina. (Read more)

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