Friday, October 22, 2021

A new and perhaps more deadly COVID strain emerges in the UK

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‘Delta Plus.’ COVID is never going away. Yours truly is not a medical expert, but it is clear that whatever window of opportunity we had to eliminate this pandemic was early on, in the Spring of 2020. People chose to whine and be defiant instead of taking necessary precautions, and therefore the virus still spreads and mutates. From the BBC

A new mutated form of coronavirus that some are calling "Delta Plus" may spread more easily than regular Delta, UK experts now say. 

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has moved it up into the "variant under investigation" category, to reflect this possible risk. 

There is no evidence yet that it causes worse illness. 

And scientists are confident that existing vaccines should still work well to protect people. 

Although regular Delta still accounts for most Covid infections in the UK, cases of "Delta Plus" or AY.4.2 have been increasing. 

Latest official data suggests 6% of Covid cases are of this type. 

Experts say it is unlikely to take off in a big way or escape current vaccines. But officials say there is some early evidence that it may have an increased growth rate in the UK compared to Delta. (Read more)

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