Friday, October 15, 2021

Classless, tactless 'protesters' in Hartford chant 'f**k you, Biden' as the president meets with educators, parents, and children


'Biden protestors (sic) + supporters are gathering to welcome the president in Hartford'

Protesters greet president in Hartford

Sick to death of this horror show. If one cannot respect the president, then at least keep your mouths shut! Especially with kids and families around. Every single one of these protesters should be arrested; this is not legitimate dissent, but it is outright abuse of the First Amendment. No way can society normalize groups of angry people shouting ‘f**k’ the president anywhere and everywhere – in front of children, at sporting events, all over social media - too many political norms have been shattered already. Joe is going to have to explicitly address those opposed to him, and he is going to have to warn the country that civil war is imminent if people don’t get a hold on themselves starting yesterday. And he has to start addressing and firmly rebuke all the conspiracy theories that are out there and severely affecting people’s judgment and decision-making during a pandemic. I know he is loath to be a disciplinarian and authoritarian, but more than a third of this country is giving him little choice now.

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