Friday, October 29, 2021

Adam Kinzinger to leave Congress, as realization sets it for the scant few true Republicans that the real GOP is not coming back to life


NPR - GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who voted to impeach Trump, won't run for reelection

The scant-few *true* Republican elected officials who remain – Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, a few governors like Charlie Baker and Larry Hogan, the extremely small handful of House members who voted to impeach Trump in January 2021 - are gradually being forced to jump off this sinking ship. They all want to save the GOP, but the realization sinking in on their part is that there is no saving this rotten party. No matter how much nostalgic they are for the days of Ronald Reagan, or even Eisenhower and Lincoln, the Republican Party is dead in all-but-name. This new Republican Party is a political cult now, and a menace to the soul of our nation. Thank you, Rep. Kinzinger, for your service and your conviction. Perhaps we haven’t heard the last of this man, and he will be a voice going forward in the creation of a new alliance that will fight to return to our traditional values and constitutional governance.

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