Saturday, October 9, 2021

Supremacy is the only guiding principle of the GOP and their supporters

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Supremacy is the only guiding principle of the GOP and their supporters, who know full well they are outnumbered and therefore must establish a South African-style apartheid system of minority rule in America. Lucian Truscott, Salon -  

(Republicans are) a white party and they're forming a white country with white laws and white companies and white jobs where white votes count and others don't. They can live in the states that comprise that country, but they can't survive there without our money. It was the same way with the South before the Civil War. They lived in their states with slavery, but they couldn't survive without the economy of the North, so they started a war. They never intended to "secede." They intended to win, and run the new country, which would be the South writ large, with slave-owners in power and slavery everywhere.  

That's what Republicans and Donald Trump are doing right now. They know they can't win legitimate elections. There aren't enough of them. So they are engaged in a war, with the aim not of winning elections, but of taking over and exercising the power that, at least until now, came from winning elections. Republicans can't rely on doing that, so they have transformed their party from one that participates in democracy to a fascist party engaged in a takeover of the United States of America.  

Democrats may or may not "win" in 2022 and 2024, but the elections are already over. Republicans have declared that only their votes count. Unless we get together and stay together and use our numbers to protect our democracy, we will end up living in their fascist country ruled by their dictator. (Read more)

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