Friday, October 29, 2021

The danger a Trump comeback in 2024 would present to American Jews


Eric Yoffie’s piece in Haaretz is vitally important reading. Virtually any time in human history where mob rule and tyranny have been enacted, Jewish people have always suffered as a result. Anti-Semitism was never limited to Nazi Germany or to today radical Islamists, it has been with us for centuries and all over the world. While I don’t know if another Holocaust or the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition would exactly be repeated, American Jews will not be safe should Donald Trump and the GOP succeed in destroying our constitutional republic. I guarantee that most of these evangelical and Republican types who publicly profess love and support for Israel engage in Anti-Semitic rhetoric behind closed doors. In years past, I’ve heard it with my own ears from people I have known. Far too many people when I stop to think about it. Considering there is also considerable Anti-Semitism on the radical left, this should be a scary time to be a Jew in America. Yet, as Yoffie points out, most Jews don’t seem to be alarmed. Well, I implore the Jewish community to be alarmed, and push back before it’s too late. #NeverAgain. Excerpt -  

Our liberal democracy is in profound danger, and it is impossible to know if the chaos that a Trump presidential run might bring will lead to an unravelling of the entire system.   

Why exactly there is so much indifference to these dangers is not clear either. As noted above, Democrats and liberals are strangely apathetic, despite the warnings of Robert Kagan and others in the mainstream media.  

Part of the problem, I believe, is that it may have been a mistake to banish Trump from Facebook and Twitter. His irrational rantings were infuriating, but they reminded most Americans of what a charlatan the man is. Taking away his microphone allowed him to plot his return to power out of the public eye, with the help of political collaborators from his party who seem entirely prepared to risk the enabling of dictatorship. 

The second question: What does all this mean for American Jews? 

Nothing good, that is for certain. If we learn anything from Jewish history, it is that mayhem and mob rule always — and I do mean always — threaten Jewish welfare and Jewish lives.  

Jewish wellbeing in America is directly related to America’s stability, pluralism, and relative tolerance, along with established constitutional guarantees of freedom and equality. No other Diaspora community has come close to offering its Jews the security and peace of mind that they enjoy in America. 

But now, imagine a paralyzed, post-election Congress, unable to resolve an election crisis, while mobs rampage in the streets, demanding a Trump restoration. Imagine anti-Trumps mob surging forward to meet them. Imagine the chaos that will ensue, and Donald Trump looking on, a barely suppressed smile on his face. 

Jews fear chaos and angry mobs for good reason. They know that if a mob is yelling for blood, it will be yelling for Jewish blood as well. They know that they will never be safe in such an America, and neither will other minorities. (Read more)

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