Sunday, August 1, 2021

Anti-Semites attack pop music superstar Billie Eilish for saying ‘hello’ to Israeli fans in promotional video

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Jerusalem Post - Billie Eilish slammed for saying ‘hi Israel’ in promo video

This venomous, hateful filth has no place in civil society. It is a gross abuse of the freedom of speech, and we should all demand social media companies do more than they have to crack down on it. Israel is America’s friend and ally, and they will not allow the Jewish people to be victim to another genocide. Israel is surrounded by malevolent individuals who would love nothing more than to slaughter all Jews. Could it be any more apparent the lengths Jew-haters will go to, when artists who are just trying to connect with their fans are intimidated in this manner? I hope young Billie Eilish - the ‘it girl’ of the moment, *perhaps* for good reason - doesn’t cave to the pressure, and instead stands with her Israeli and Jewish friends.

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